[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=8181F7]Zelda Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/9e7ec7f5a15ab1494a3df2d18ee821e7/80bdbb117954049c-2c/s400x600/94eb82c3efc7a66965e9a55f44e4fb58ec036520.gif[/img][hr][b][color=8181F7]Location:[/color][/b] Zelda [b][color=8181F7]Skills:[/color][/b] Emotion Manipulation [hr][hr][/center] She was a little confused as to what was going on with Victoria, since she wasn't seemingly attacking them or anything like that anymore? Maybe she was trying to fight off whatever was going on? This led to another problem though, and that was that they had to potentially deal with the fact that they really shouldn't be trying to kill Vicki. That would not end well, and that was not something that she would want to have to deal with back in the real world. There had to be something that they could do in order to prevent Victoria from killing them, though if she attacked again, she was perfectly willing to fight back in order to defend herself and April, but she'd prefer not to have to go through with anything like that. An idea crossed her mind though that might help. Why not try to calm her emotions? That might help. [color=8181F7]"Just keep the shield up in case we need it, I'm going to try something..."[/color] she said to her sister, before she started trying to calm down Vicki in order to hopefully stop this situation. Her first attempt resulted in her getting not very far with it, holding it for a second before getting kicked out of it. Her second attempt was more successful, but she could tell it was a weak hold as she tried to shift everything, and she tried to get a stronger hold, when suddenly the game seemingly glitched out. Looking to see what was going on, she was a bit stunned at what she saw. The first was she saw Victoria as herself, except she was in the typical green tunic for Link now. But that wasn't the only thing she saw there. Not too far away, there was [i]another[/i] version of Victoria, in the same out, appearance wise, except the clothing was all colored black. So now there were two Victoria's, and based on what she knew about the game series? She was betting the one in the darker clothing was probably not going to help them out at all. [color=8181F7]"...I mean we are technically in a version of the Water Temple... But pretty sure Dark Link isn't in this game, or not supposed to be,"[/color] she commented, glancing towards her sister very confused as to what she might have accidentally done.