[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/t04ZgJz.png[/img] [hider=]22 y/o | Female | GEMINI | See-Through Bangs Dai-Katana | Greatsword (2H) | Physical | STRONG PARRY Holy Suit | DIVINE DOMAIN Witch Hunt | Light | SACRED PROHIBITION [Reveal (2), Purity (4)] Mana Burn (6), Magic Sense (4), Blink (4), Dispel (6), Damage (2), Stabilize (0), AoE (2), Shield (4), Full Extend (4) DAMAGE: D | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: A | 750 PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: C | CHAOS: D | 646 [Silver Touch][Damage] = 24 [/hider][/center] Amanda? Who was Amanda? Ah, did it even matter, when things were clearly going all the way down the shitter? [b]“I’m not looking for trouble here.”[/b] Estelle called out to the dryads. [b]“This is strictly community safety work!”[/b] Which was all nice to say, but GEMINI reputation was pretty bad, especially when Finn was now having a proper duel of fates with the bartender, his chainsaw rip-roaring to add to the cacophony of a violent brawl. Only one thing to do then. From her belt, she snapped out her collapsible baton, tossing it over to the jukebox-leaner who had just lost her Shield. At the same time, her Melody resounded, bright light emanating from her foot to blast away the roots that bound her there, just in time for Estelle to be in a position to counter the first cowboy that rushed at her. In the swirl of chaos, the bottle-wielding man was as mundane as his brothers and her hand chopped out. The blow was strong enough to send the bottle flying out of his grasp, and the Witch Hunter followed through by striking that bottle with the flat of her sheathed Dai-Katana. With just enough force that it wouldn’t shatter, the spinning bottle was redirected towards the other mundane biker close to the jukebox, smacking him in the shoulder and hopefully distracting him long enough that… [b]“Get to the kitchen you girls! You can’t find Amanda if you’re caught up in this mess!”[/b] …the teenagers could get out before her boons wore off. As for the Witch Hunter though? She would stand her ground, serving as a rear guard until the last of the girls made it to the back of the kitchen. Hopefully even through the emergency exit.