[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker had thought about his conversation with Zell and how his reaction to the Paladin’s words seemed and came across as genuine and honest as it goes. Barracker would have to take the swordsman's words at face value as he had believed the man's answers but felt he would have to think more on the matter as his friend's sword was likely cursed, and if so then this could have bad consequences on the man’s life. [Center]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] Sneaking into Valhiem was tense and stressful as the Paladin’s mind was on what would he find, going on, inside the city walls. [Color=Green][i]Anne. Eren. Isabelle. Tyrion. Areleth.[/i][/color] As well as that the vampire's sword was broken and he'd lost his shield, unable to protect himself or anyone in his party. Thinking about the vulnerable state he was in. He reminded himself of the importance of keeping his cool and at least he had acquired that knife from his captain which came in handy if required. The Paladin felt appreciative to be part of Second Chance and to have the help of the group. He would have to buy a round for everyone’s choice of drink. [Center]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] Barracker got speaking to one of the crew from Silver Arrow. An older gentleman, Tiefling, ex-military with a stern look. He was Ranger Class, named Gordon Watson. Barracker spoke to him about the state of the city and was surprised to find out it was running as usual. Also from in depth talking, he came from it with knowledge about the man’s home, Capitol City. It reminded the Paladin of Evelyne and he asked about the current state of Capitol City but Gordon hadn't been home in a long while. After hearing undermining from the gnome Druid to Adam, he noticed Adam did not rise to defend himself. It felt like bullying, which was something that had never sat well with Barracker since being a small child. Barracker exchanged a look with his fellow frontline Swordsman Zell, tilted his head at what was going on and then moved closer to the gnome. [Color=Green]“You know, they say that gnome blood is the worst tasting. But I say never disparage something until you have tried it.”[/color] The vampire put a hand on the gnome’s shoulder. [Color=Green]“Especially if it means that someone who does not understand the meaning of politeness, might learn a lesson or two”.[/color] [Center]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] At the hospital, after everyone was healed. He approached Clive. [Color=Green]“A fine steed you have my friend.”[/color] He said clasping forearms with the man in a warriors greeting. [Color=Green]“Good job getting word out about Valhiem. I don’t think anyone could of done that any faster.”[/color] He folded his arms as he thought. [Color=Green]"It should give them enough time to organize a retreat to safer lands if the situation if anything were to go wrong here."[/color]