He hated those outbursts. They were unbecoming of him, as he rarely if ever raised his voice. But this trainwreck family somehow always managed to get him there. His anger simmered down as quick as it came. He swiped a hand through his hair and let out a sigh to somewhat regain his composure. Errol was quick to jump on him again though. [COLOR=CRIMSON]“Someone with your abilities shouldn’t feel threatened by guns Errol. Stunning them would’ve been just as effective and caused much less grief.”[/COLOR] It pained him to think that the sorrow he felt over their deaths was likely greater than Errol’s. Innocent people had gotten hurt too. Had he not seen that? [COLOR=CRIMSON]“It’s not about your conscience being clear.”[/COLOR] He said, exasperated. [COLOR=CRIMSON]“It’s about their perception. You, a hated minority, let loose in a busy street. People died in the process. The media won’t hesitate to frame us as the aggressors. That warrants action. A manhunt that will stop at nothing until you’re caught and plead guilty.”[/COLOR] He paused, then added [COLOR=CRIMSON]“if you’re ever going to take my word for anything, it should be this. They have the means to put you down. And you’ve given them an excellent reason to use it, even if unfairly provoked.”[/COLOR] Tiredness set in, marked by stiffening muscles and the faint awareness of the air-conditioning blowing against his damp shirt. He was still expecting some quip or boastful comment from Errol, and that alone would be enough for Duncan to consider his half-brother lost. Duncan wondered if he knew how subtly he had used his influence to stop the NYPD from opening an investigation against Acosta’s crimes for all these years now. More, Duncan wondered if he knew about the financial support, he had been giving Sinead Acosta since Giovanni had destroyed her life. The remainder of the trip went quietly and he was happy for it. He needed the time to collect his thoughts. To try and predict why the U-men had gone after them specifically, in the middle of the street. Where had they gotten those resources from? More importantly, how had they known he was going to be there? The Owl had an informant, he was certain of that. But who knew enough about there whereabouts and relations to plan this? Giovanni came to mind, but that was something he quickly dismissed again. This was way too overt for Corleone. Then who? He was rudely shaken out of his thoughts by the hard stop Noa made. He made a mental note not to let her drive again just as Errol cried out something in Spanish. Duncan glanced over his shoulder to check on Clementine, and instead found himself wondering why he caught his half-brother smirking. The driver's shift in tone was why. He had calmed down since his own outburst, and there was no strength in his bones left to reignite that anger again. Instead, he decided not to bother with it at all. He spoke dismissively, like a parent who was done dealing with their way too dramatic children in their car's backseat. No one knew Clem could do that? [COLOR=CRIMSON]"Well wellcome to foster care. I'm sure you'd be great at it. Ready for everything and all."[/COLOR] Why he knew an awful lot about the U-men? [COLOR=CRIMSON]"You tend to learn who's out there when you try to actively contribute to mutant wellbeing. Try it some time."[/COLOR] The low blow struck at his family was usually not enough to get under his skin. People tried that all the time. Bringing it up in debates. Trying to goad him during conflicts and missions. Yet this time, more so out of annoyance than anger, it did earn her a resentful look. At least she had his attention now. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"Careful now"[/COLOR] was all he said. She decided not to be. His left forearm blazed up, releasing the energy of the 'red' he had stitched his wounds with. At it's core, kinetic energy was displacement times required force. Half the object's mass, times velocity squared. With his ability, he could grasp those concepts. He could pour an obscene amount of kinetic energy into the imaginary red mass, with the equations always balancing. High force and little displacement made for destructive impacts, while high displacement and little force could harmlessly make target hit by 'red' move. Similarly, greater mass made for more stable and powerful constructs, while higher velocity made for faster and more dangerous projectiles. Practice had made him better at combining those equations. Like shaping 'red' to take on high velocity and high force to make it explosive. Yet that was barbaric to use against human beings. So he chose displacement to make his point. In the same heartbeat as blazing up, the red on his forearm sparked like a firecracker in Noa's direction. Purely loaded with momentum to pass on, the sparks that reached the door made it immediately burst from its hinges with a sickening crunch. Fortunately for Noa, she wasn't bolted down. In her case, the sparks would imbue her with momentum that'd throw her through the newly made opening and cause her to land a good three parking spots away. All before anyone would be able to blink. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"She's right about going outside, we have to keep moving and all."[/COLOR] Duncan said as calmly as he could muster. He half expected Errol to taser him through the chair, so he made his way out with haste. He found Nathaniel waiting for them. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"Are you sure? Infighting is what we do best."[/COLOR] Duncan remarked, glancing in the direction where he'd thrown Noa off too. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"Although I suppose therapy would be a more elegant way to get these things off our chests."[/COLOR] Recognizing that his meddling would only create more resistance, Duncan chose to stay silent and let Nathaniel take the lead. In no time, they were on the road. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"I don't know much about the East coast, but I doubt they'll look for us in Jersey."[/COLOR] If their assailants were New York locals, they'd definitely take issue with setting foot in Jersey. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"So good choice."[/COLOR] Duncan anxiously checked his phone again. Now in this shit show would be a really good time for Alba to reply. They could use all the help they could get.