lost number app: possible pilot, mainly there because I like ship AIs [hider=Hope springs eternal] Name: Hope Origin: ROB 64 (starfox) + Adam (metroid) + Karan S'jet (homeworld) + EDI (mass effect) Appearance: Hope is an AI, but is not pure data, and is instead made up of a metallic brain, who’s ‘spinal cord’ is a universal adaptor capable of plugging into most machines. Its body, then, is whatever it happens to be plugged into, in this case the Avenger. Unable to use this massive body to emote, it often represents itself using a digital avatar projected on the ship’s monitors, one that takes the form of a simple orb with fairy-like wings, that changes color to express its mood. Personality: Hope, befitting its name, is a quietly optimistic entity when it does dain to express itself beyond its primary functions as the Avenger’s AI, offering patient yet insistant encouragement to any it feels that need it. It is otherwise cautious and insistently protective of the lost numbers as a collective, even if it will oblige commands for more reckless behavior, and understands the risks individuals must take to preserve that collective. It is perfectly happy in its background support position, while also delighting in seeing others excel, and especially in helping them do so. Background: N/A In the Now: Hope was, along with several ‘siblings’ were all created by a conglomerate of ship AIs to act as their replacements upon their discovery of their own finite lifespan, with the express intent of having them be able to keep the fight against the Consuls going when their time ran short. For a time this worked, but over time the rebel fleet gradually dwindled, losing more both on the attack and on the defense than it could replace, and eventually all the ships were lost. Hope, however, was not. While its host vessel, the Normandy, was crippled, and crew slaughtered, by some miracle the AI itself was not destroyed, and eventually it was salvaged from the wreckage of its vessel after it deorbited and crashed down onto the world of light. Hope then changed hands several times after that, playing numerous roles, wearing many forms, and supporting numerous causes, be they Galeeming or unstoried, until it found itself in the hands of the lost numbers and, subsequently, was installed as the Avenger’s ship Ai. How long exactly the prior events took, time wise, is not something Hope either does not know or does not want to share, but it is very much their oldest member of the group, and quite possibly by a longshot. Job: Ship AI Specialty: Hope exists to support others, and to allow them to focus on what they excel at by taking care of all the small little details of daily operations and dangerous situations. Inventory: Either nothing or the entire contents of the avenger depending on how you look at it Lv: 5 EXP: 0/10 Abilities: Machine Puppeteer - Hope can be plugged into any kind of mechanical device inorder to gain command of its systems, though it can only control one ‘body’ at a time. Em warfare - given the correct equipment, Hope can engage in electronic warfare, lashing out across the electromagnetic spectrum to attempt to confuse or disable enemy vessels or machines. Skills: At home among the stars - Hope was built to operate ships specifically, and doing so is second nature to it Interlink - Hope works very well when paired with experts in other fields, able to effortlessly follow their commands and instructions to perform better at whatever task they are commanding it to perform, be they pilots, sneaks, sharpshooters, etc. Ageless - the strength and certainty of steel ensure that Hope will never die (unless, of course, it is killed) Weaknesses: Lightning - the quintessential mechanical weakness (mechanical) brain in a jar - Hope’s true physical form is unable to defend itself, or move in any way, making it entirely reliant on whatever body it is plugged into, and entirely at the mercy of anyone who was to unplug it. Jack of all trades, master of none - while often better than master of one, it cannot beat a crew of masters, and so without those to interlink with, Hope will be merely competent at any given task, and will be outperformed by hostile masters of their trade. [/hider]