I, and the Other Troopers, followed 1st LT Luke up the office building to an Operations Command, lead from Navy Captain Claudia, a GENERATION 2 Monarch colored Hazop Armored Polish Troop. The Command had ODST Soldiers charting transparent maps among a holo-terrain showing the Bridges near the Trump Building. Other ODST Armored Troops, and a Pilot Armored Troop stood guard with Railguns. A Black colored GENERATION 1 Grenadier Armored Polish Troop with a Sniper Rilfe communed us "Polish Army Special Forces Lt. Major David. Welcome to Barbie Bravo. The other Bases are Tech Deck Dudes Whiskey at the Illinois University and Hot Wheels Tango at the Polish Consulate. Please, Officers only, this way to the Captain." The roof of the building was where we 3 LTs met Navy Captain Claudia. She had a Spartan Laser at Her shoulder. Without interest turning She said "Polish Air Special Forces Captain Claudia. Watch this." The Laser hummed to power, beaming at a Covenant Lich in the horizon. "This Laser is purging them with that beam already. May have even gone through to the other side, now." She fully squeezed the trigger, warranting the Laser Beam at it's full power. The Lich Ship was devastated. Had it been shot elsewhere upon it it would of been destroyed. Captain Claudia knew where it's core was. She lowered the Laser - "You've seen the Plan why we are on land?" "Negative, Captain. I was only quartered. You, Sebastian"? I Said "I was in the SOEIV Hanger, using it to get to the Galley, when the kklaxons blared yellow, letting in our Troopers to drop. Figured I'd come instead of a PFC, Lady." Captain Claudia started "They have our A.I. at the Trump Building and other areas. They're being made to watch porn. This is a Resque Mission." Both I and Adam had our neural operator armor systems go mute and disable communications explicitly. The thoughts to get them online was thick pndering, that we didn't have time to laugh ourselves amused at what the Captain had said. Adam's was farthest - His armor started malfunctioning, sparks began imploding machinations so much that He tried laughing bodily, hands patting theighs, staring hunched at the roof's complex pavement. That's when I inexplicably had perverse thoughts margining that I acknowledged that His armor could detonate, but wouldn't because this became of psychedelia not hysteria. He tried to hastily straighten, ti was perfunctory, but he took his helmet off and threw it. That's when my armor began to convulse to detonate, but I knew better, so it just kept me permanently muted. I took my helmet off and held it in my left hand. "PitViperHotel requesting intelligence" I said smoothly with a grin. The Captain told the Mission incrediously to us "The A.I. has been forced to watch porn. It couldn't avoid attesting itself with sardonicism. They captured the highest ranking officer with a comedic sexual Name because of that; Rear Admiral Hon LonXiong, Commander of the Space Hospital "U.N.S.C. Bliss". Then, they started poaching the next, and the next. Hooking up them to cyber-suits. Those suits were specially made for sexuadelic inducements of sensuality. They have a sex organ transparent dome like an inflatable swimming toy for the male attached to it. The entire thing otherwise, like for the women, is skintight and block eye light. Air is brought in and breathing is mastered. ... There is no saving the A.I.... they're who are the psyche of the suits." Adam spoke first "We'll go without helmets." The Captain "Just you LT. Sebastian. Those malfunctions are hot wires, Lt. Adam." Ordered the Navy Captain, and furthered "You will go in just as One. You are our first Komando from this Base. Till KIA we can't allow Avengers." In unison I and Adam said "Understood."