[center][h1] [color=a52a2a]Kali Nordstrom[/color][/h1] [img]https://24.media.tumblr.com/38619db973a198367e8cb461a0e0e158/tumblr_mjrhwbLFrs1rdfrnpo1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Twin Seasons Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr][color=a52a2a]"Sounds good enough to me."[/color] Kali nodded back to Issac and began to write down today's specials on the chalkboard. It was certainly a lot of seafood Issac wanted, and she wondered if going all-in was the correct option. Lobster and crab were always expensive (and hence why Kali [i]rarely[/i] had it), and if people weren't interested in seafood, then that was a ton of money to go to waste. Regardless, Issac seemed to be accepting of that risk to get his customers to add seafood to his palette, and in the end Kali chose to go along with it. As she finished writing the menu on the chalkboard, the door chimed with the arrival of the day's first customers. They were an older couple, somewhere around her boss' age Kali believed. Quickly making her way over to the serving booth, Kali grabbed a pair of menus for them, and approached the table they were sitting at. [color=a52a2a]"Welcome to the Twin Seasons."[/color] Kali said, flipping on her cheerful customer service work personality as she placed the menus on the table. [color=a52a2a]"My name is Kali, and I'll be serving you today. Is there anything I can get started for you right now, or do you need a few minutes?"[/color]