[center][h1][b]General Doctor/Surgeon || Clearance Level - 2[/b][/h1][/center] [h2][b]A321231[/b][/h2] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/dfeb34cb-5ca4-4c6b-80b4-72595e4078aa.png[/img] [h3][b]Legal[/b][/h3] [b]Last Name:[/b] Velasco [b]First Name:[/b] Girasol [b]Middle Name:[/b] N/A [b]Apparent Age:[/b] 38 [b]Actual Age:[/b] 33 [b]​DoB:[/b] 03/12/1979 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [h3][b]Personal[/b][/h3] [b]Preferred Name(s):[/b] Firn, Dr. Girasol [b]Gender:[/b] Nonbinary [b]Pronouns:[/b] They/Them [b]Nouns:[/b] Masculine/Neutral [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Demisexual [b]Romantic Orientation:[/b] Panromantic [b]Status:[/b] N/D [h3][b]Overview[/b][/h3] Firn, also known as Dr. Girasol, is a laid back person known for their relaxation whilst in stressful situations. This plus their numan capabilities allows for Dr. Girasol to be a calm and level head when handling drastic surgery. They playfully take on the monacure of Hippie and often prefer herbal remedies when possible. Dr. Girasol plays the role of on-site doctor and surgeon, as the hounds rarely make it through a week without some form of harm. They take the role well, and have even befriended a few of the hounds that regularly enter their office. Their relaxed nature makes them appear lazy, but they are far from it. They often take on the role of five people, literally and metaphorically. They are rather physically frail, but make up for it in intelligence and kindness. They are known for playing games with other staff members, especially favoring Dungeons and Dragons. While they are not overly talkative, they tend to like to tell stories. They have taken on the Hippocratic oath and refuse to do harm to any living being, including insects and, if able to avoid it, plants. The only exception is food, though they do their best to eat all-natural and cruelty-free. They are a vegetarian. [h3][b]Physical[/b][/h3] [b]Hair:[/b] Black [b]Eyes:[/b] Brown [b]Height:[/b] 5'09" [b]Weight:[/b] 152 lbs [b]Skin:[/b] Mocha [b]Notes:[/b] [list][*]Scarred spots along arms and legs from injection sites. [*]Numerous small scars from blades along arms, legs, and torso[/list] [h3][b]Skill Set[/b][/h3] [list][*]Blood Bond - Firn possesses the capability to share telepathic messages with their siblings. [*]Fractured Soul - Firn is capable of using soul energy to create up to four duplicates of themself (totaling five bodies). Each fragment of their soul, including the original body, take on an aspect of their personality. While separated, all pieces maintain their own level of energy and damage. Once combined, the main body takes on whatever the ‘lowest common denominator’ is. This applies to physical harm, emotional harm, and illness, but does not apply to exhaustion. The main body receives all exhaustion from the clones together. These clones are incapable of healing injury or exhaustion. When working in surgery, Firn refuses to work with any nurses other than their clones in almost every circumstance. [*]Body Bond - Firn is capable of passing exhaustion, illness, damage, and the like to their siblings. Additionally, Firn is capable of absorbing exhaustion, illness, damage, and the like from other people. This is in great part due to their overly large, fractured soul allowing for the manipulation of energy into and out of itself. This passing and absorbing must be done through bodily contact. Any damage they receive applies to their own body. This is, in large part, why they no longer absorb damage on a whim. [*]Doctorate in General Surgery - Firn has spent many years studying in the medical field and is capable of performing General Surgery. [*]Cool Head - Firn is extremely calm in the most dire situations, to the point that he has been accused of being intoxicated on the job.[/list] [h3][b]History[/b][/h3] Firn’s youth was plagued with strife. Their siblings and them were put in foster care during their early teenage years. They and Sic, their sister, became notorious trouble makers, due to Firn passing damage onto Sic for nefarious purposes. While much of their trouble making was done to force themselves into the same foster home, it evolved quickly for young Firn. Drugs meant Firn was able to take on more damage and, in their eyes, keep their siblings safer from harm. It was a rabbit hole that Firn fell into hard, though they kept it as good of a secret as they could. They absorbed their eldest sibling’s exhaustion (as Trip often took on a major workload to support the family), Sic’s harm from getting into fights, as well as whatever sorts of harm they could take trade for more drugs. These mostly consisted of painkillers, but also drifted into anything that would allow Firn to escape reality for a while. It all came to a head when Firn had taken on more than they could heal in any reasonable amount of time. They went to go purchase speed in order to make up for the exhaustion they were handling, and had to heal their dealer in exchange. They had thought they could have taken the wounds but they and the effects of those drugs proved to be too much. Firn overdosed when attempting to walk home and collapsed on the street. It was lucky that Trip had found them, or they would have died that day. After several weeks of hospital recovery, Firn was sent to the Saint’s Haven Rehabilitation Center. This was chosen due to it being free, though it resulted in some significant religious trauma that Firn has not expounded upon. Firn was there for ninety days but entered an education program whilst inside. They have stated that this program was the only good thing to come out of the Rehabilitation Center. It allowed them to enter a two-year degree path for a bachelor's, which led to the realization that they were naturally skilled in the medical field. It was that skill that led them to become a surgeon, where they then were chosen to join the DNCC. When they heard about the Hounds program, Firn jumped to join. They compared their journey of recovery to the Hounds and have gone on record to state that they think anyone is capable of getting better. [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240516/2931a94d763a4894ab7db5e7fbd8060e.png[/img] [b]Agent Ella Nostrus[/b] [i]Head of Surgery[/i] [sub][i]Clearance Level - 7[/i][/sub]