[center]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [h2][color=00aeef][i][b]Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah[/b][/i][/color][/h2][i][b][color=00aeef]Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05[/color][/b][/i] [color=00aeef][i][b]HP:[/b][/i][/color] 40 / 40 [color=00aeef][i][b]Armor Class:[/b][/i][/color] 16 [color=00aeef][i][b]Conditions:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=00aeef][i][b]Location:[/b][/i][/color] On the road again [color=00aeef][i][b]Action:[/b][/i][/color] Driving the wagon (17) [color=00aeef][i][b]Bonus Action:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=00aeef][i][b]Reaction:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=00aeef][i][b]Ki:[/b][/i][/color] 5/5 [/cell][cell] [right][img]https://i.imgur.com/j0Vz324.png[/img][/right] [/cell][/row][/table][center]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center] Thankfully the tension in the air was quickly tempered by Madame L’rose and Young Lizbeth clarifying Kosaras explanation. But to be fair on Kosara, there weren’t many good ways to say ‘Your local sheriff was a were rat and killed a lot of people in the township, and then these other people travelling with us then killed him’. Lady Kathryns own reassurances over their…aquired equipment also took some of the edge off his nerves. But still he saw no need to go flaunting either around the place. [color=00aeef]“I myself am Baronfjørd Chedgusah.”[/color] A polite wave to the new arrivals still from behind the Mule. [color=00aeef]“Though most simply call me BlackBerry. A pleasure to meet you both. Apologies, I am a tad busy at the moment.”[/color] He returned to trying to attach the mule to the wagon, trying to follow the steps he had seen Kosara take when removing it earlier, but the task turned out to be a tad more complex than he had initially thought and meant he had to redo a few straps before he got everything back into the correct place, and the same went for removing the wooden-stopper-peg-things from around the wagons wheels. Putting the wooden-stopper-peg-things in the back of the wagon he then said, [color=00aeef]“Keep these safe, if you would good sir.”[/color] It took him a moment to realise he had addressed Morty, a very much dead though stubbornly upright swine. Coming back around to the front of the wagon, just in time to hear the tail end of the conversion with the party agreeing to help or at the very least investigate what was killing off the farmers sheep. [color=00aeef]“Good thinking Kosara. I am inclined to agree on that point.”[/color] He clambered back onto the wagon next to Victoria at the front and expected her to give the reigns a crack to get the Mule moving. Instead, surprisingly, the reigns were cheerfully deposited onto his lap. His head jumped between the reigns and to Victoria as he awaited an instruction. After a few moment, when none came and he picked up the reigns. [color=00aeef]“Very well. Let us give this another try, then? Are you ready good Sir? Slow and steady now.”[/color] He called to the mule which only moved its ears in acknowledgement. BlackBerry, mimicking the motions he had seen from Victoria and Madam L’rose, gave the reigns a little crack and a [color=00aeef]“yah”[/color] prompting the Mule to walk. This time Blackberry kept the his grip on the reigns light and easy, providing much more slack in them that he had before, but enough tension so that he only had to move his arm a little to either side for the Mule to react. BlackBerry grinned with pride as he managed a much smoother ride this time despite going slower than before anf falling a little behind Madame L’Rose’s wagon. [color=00aeef]“Haha! Now this is quite agreeable. Perhaps I had not offended Habbakuk too badly then.”[/color] The wagon drifted a little to the left as his attention wavered for a moment, but BlackBerry managed to pull it back onto course without incident. [color=00aeef]“Lady Kathryn, I imagine it is still some distance until we reach the farms. You may as well keep you gear in the wagon for now.”[/color] He called to the other wagon. [color=00aeef]“Might I ask how far are we to travel?”[/color]