[center][url=https://youtu.be/alPTr_CtQxU?si=qwDGBQm_wiqrIMT1][img]https://i.imgur.com/fPkeZrx.png[/img][/url] [color=#FFFFFF]_[/color][color=#FCFBFB]_[/color][color=#F9F8F8]_[/color][color=#F6F5F5]_[/color][color=#F3F2F2]_[/color][color=#F0EFEF]_[/color][color=#EDECEC]_[/color][color=#EAE9E9]_[/color][color=#E7E6E6]_[/color][color=#E4E3E3]_[/color][color=#E1E0E0]_[/color][color=#DEDDDD]_[/color][color=#DBDADA]_[/color][color=#D8D7D7]_[/color][color=#D5D4D4]_[/color][color=#D2D1D1]_[/color][color=#CFCECE]_[/color][color=#CCCBCB]_[/color][color=#C9C8C8]_[/color][color=#C6C5C5]_[/color][color=#C3C2C2]_[/color][color=#C0BFBF]_[/color][color=#BDBCBC]_[/color][color=#BAB9B9]_[/color][color=#B7B6B6]_[/color][color=#B4B3B3]_[/color][color=#B1B0B0]_[/color][color=#AEADAD]_[/color][color=#ABAAAA]_[/color][color=#A8A7A7]_[/color][color=#A5A4A4]_[/color][color=#A2A1A1]_[/color][color=#9F9E9E]_[/color][color=#9C9B9B]_[/color][color=#999898]_[/color][color=#969595]_[/color][color=#939292]_[/color][color=#908F8F]_[/color][color=#8D8C8C]_[/color][color=#8A8989]_[/color][color=#878686]_[/color][color=#848383]_[/color][color=#818080]_[/color][color=#7E7D7D]_[/color][color=#7B7A7A]_[/color][color=#787777]_[/color][color=#757474]_[/color][color=#727171]_[/color][color=#6F6E6E]_[/color][color=#6C6B6B]_[/color][color=#696868]_[/color][color=#666565]_[/color][color=#636262]_[/color][color=#605F5F]_[/color][color=#5D5C5C]_[/color][color=#5A5959]_[/color][color=#575656]_[/color][color=#545353]_[/color][color=#515050]_[/color][color=#4E4D4D]_[/color][color=#4B4A4A]_[/color][color=#484747]_[/color][color=#454444]_[/color][color=#424141]_[/color][color=#3F3E3E]_[/color][color=#3C3B3B]_[/color][color=#393838]_[/color][color=#363535]_[/color][color=#333232]_[/color][color=#302F2F]_[/color][/center] [h1][/h1] [@FamishedPants][@BrokenPromise][@The World][@TaintedMushroom] [h1][/h1] Disappointed when her short reunion with Mika was interrupted. The surrounding area around her soon engulfed in the chaotic violence and the smoke that quickly took over the nearby area. Himiko let out a sigh as the sounds of gunfire rang out, the heat of the flames being hot enough that she could feel it from where she stood.She was grateful that she wore a mask that helped alleviate some of the smell of the smoke, and kept it from hindering her breathing too much. Giving a small shake of her head, she turned her head towards the sound of a voice speaking to her. [h1][/h1] Golden eyes locking onto the one eyed nun that stood before her. Watching her blade twirling before its sharp point came to a stop in her direction. Her eyes soon moved from the blade to the stack of cash that the nun displayed for her. Before she could make a reply, her attention was soon brought towards the object that had come tumbling out from the smoke. [h1][/h1] Her eyes narrowed, watching the fresh smoke rising from the freshly severed neck of the decapitated head. Himiko stared at it for a moment, mulling over her thoughts quietly. Slowly turning her head away from the sight as her eyes came to rest on Mika. She opened her long white flowing coat revealing her revolvers in their holsters. Her silence remained for a moment longer as she took a few short steps in Mika’s direction before pausing. [h1][/h1] [color=fff200]“I wouldn’t call her a little bird, I would think Puddy would prefer hunting little birds, now as for helping you capture lil ole Puddy…I would like to go with her, and I would like to know what the Mad intends to do with her. If that can be arranged, then I don’t mind assisting you in your endeavor”[/color] Glancing over her shoulder in Lenore direction. Wanting to find out the purpose for Oros the Mad’s desire to get her hands on Mika. Her own curiosity piqued by the situation, her own desire to stay near Puddy if at all possible. [h1][/h1] After all, she had made a promise to Puddy, a promise that she intended to keep one way or another. Mika’s safety is still factoring into Himiko’s thought process. Even with her greedy little heart desiring something to sate her hunger for profit. Himiko wanted the best of both worlds. After all, why not let her greed run wild and try to get everything she possibly could. [h1][/h1] Before she could do anything else, both Noble Spark and Marrie had went into action, with Noble Spark's melody being the first to come through the smoke. Followed shortly after by Marrie herself who came flying through, a gust of wind dissipating the smoke along her path. Coming to a stop a few feet away with her instrument quickly pointed towards the one eyed nuns neck. [h1][/h1] Himiko’s smile was hidden by her mask as she couldn’t keep her amusement of the situation in check. The way things had been playing out so far as not far off from what she had anticipated. She knew that someone like Oros the Mad wouldn’t go about this in the most calm or easy of fashions. Neither would Gemini or the freelancers currently hired on by them for this operation. [h1][/h1] [color=fff200]“So nice of you to join us Marrie, though I’d recommend you proceed with caution, or you may find yourself missing your head like our little Gemini friend”[/color] Gesturing towards the decapitated head nearby with a small sigh. Cross her arms over each other as she reached into her jacket, pulling free her two Revolvers from the holsters as she held them at the ready. Keeping the barrels pointed up, keeping her cards hidden from both sides. Himiko had her own intentions on her brain, ones that she wished to keep to herself until the right moment.