[color=silver][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjU5NTU1NS5SbVZzYkhkcGJtYy4y/great-vibes.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] The first emotion Fellwing felt upon spotting Skobeloff was confusion, followed by awkward self-consciousness, and then [i]relief[/i]; Skobe was clever, maybe he could get her out of the figurative hole she'd dug herself in? She never did excel at conversation or socializing, but [i]he [/i]seemed to have a very, [i]very [/i]peculiar knack for it. But as Skobeloff approached, it wasn't difficult for a Seer accustomed to her friend's shenanigans to realize he was up to something. And, just like that, her 'oh yes, he's clever' turned into an '[i]oh no[/i], he's clever.' He went off about spiders in the mines or some such nonsense, and Fellwing could do little but watch in horrified amazement as Garrock took the bait and excused himself, leaving behind a roomful of flabbergasted dragons in his wake. Upon hearing Skobeloff's evil(?!) laugh, Fellwing turned to the Trickster to ask what in the world he was planning, only to find him gone, too. Ever so slowly, even at the risk of regretting it later, Fellwing excused herself and slipped after Garrock. If her instincts were right, the old dragon wouldn't get to be alone for long, anyhow. [/color]