Tandagh had continued to walk in silence after letting his name be known to the group, hoping that would be the extent of what he had to say on this trip. He trudged up the mountain through the snow, adjusting his bear skin as he loosened around his shoulders. He was focused on walking when he heard a voice speak up from beside him. As the Orc turned his gaze he was met by the sight of what was obviously a quite young Khajiit. Tandagh let a low grunt as he listened to the cat, quite honestly with very little interest. He eyed the boy for a moment before looking forward. "Weak means death, death means failure in our quest, failure is not possible. You are not allowed to be weak." Tandagh said in a rough voice. He didn't make eye contact with the boy and continued to scale the mountain. As the group set up camp for the night Tandagh couldn't help but feel a slight irritated. He could of continued walking the rest of the night and be there by sun rise with little problem. He could of been done with this part of the quest yet here he was sitting at camp. Then again he did have a slight advantage over the others do to his lack of needing to sleep and rest. So he sat at the edge of camp his bear skin set as a mat for the sleep he did not need. He eyed the group around the camp fire with cold eyes. He didn't really feel anything towards these people, neither a kinship or disdain, they were merely people he needed for the moment. But he hadn't felt much of anything since his lose brought by the dragons, so this was nothing new to him. His gaze wandered the group falling on the female Breton from earlier again, getting the same feeling of something familiar, as if they had something in common.