Surani continued up the mountain, listening to her companions conversations as she did so. It was nice, to have talkative companions for once. Travelling alone or in a quiet group was not something that she liked doing. Conversing breeds trust, and everyone should always trust those they are working with, shouldn't they? Well, it was what she thought anyways. Whether it did or not, she was content with listening to the various conversations, until she heard the Orc. Needless to say, the way he spoke to the young Khajiit didn't instill much confidence in him. She already was slightly put off by him as it was, when he said that, she became even more wary of him. Something about the Orc, just screamed wrong, and it slightly frightened her. An odd thing, since she had only ever been truly afraid of one thing ever in her life. As night fell, she lowered her hood, glad that the sun had finally set and that the Two Moons rose high into the sky. She was glad to finally be out of the sunlight, she enjoyed it and wished she could spend more time in its warmth, but as it stood, that could be deadly to her. A sad thing, for her, but she would eventually get used to it in time, if she lived long enough. She did have...eternity ahead of her now, after all. Surani took a seat next to the fire as she pulled out her journal and a quill, and began to write of the days events. The entry mainly had information about the arrival at the base of the mountain, the trek up it, but mostly it detailed the group she traveled with. Names, race, and a little bit of what she thought of them. As she paused for a moment to collect her thoughts, her eyes drifted towards the edge of the camp, and fell on the Orc, who she conveniently caught watching her. She quickly turned her attention back to her journal, though words seemed harder to come by now. Soon, she gave up, and closed it, deciding to write in it later, and for now she would simply enjoy the night and wait for morning.