Silver smirked at his insults to her skill, but she couldn't even see the fact that their was a chicken from where she stood, so she felt indifferent about almost killing it. She put her crossbow away, and turned to look at him with her strange coloured eyes that she tried so hard to hide, but now she felt it didn't matter. She felt that who ever this stranger was he should be more careful about what he said. She didn't like it when people questioned her abilities. "I wouldn't be to worried about my skills, their are closer targets that I would like to stick an arrow in." She gave her normal pleasant smile, but their now seem to be much more to it than to be pretty. Being pretty was just a bonus for her. She curtsied respectfully, but felt that it was all more cocky now than before. Perhaps it was meant to be cocky. "Thank you for a good match." She walked away without giving it much thought and returning to a more pleasant nature, she was too excited about the butterflies to worry about her loses. Some how Silver managed to make her way to be the speech by following the others around her and than saw the person ready to announce and knew she was in the right place. She watched trying her best not to be distracted by things around her. The speech was inspiring and made her feel at place with the gods she worshipped and even wondered if that was the goddess that could have granted her these odd abilities, but she decided not to dwell on these thoughts when the butterflies were finally released over head. She felt truly amazed to feel the power of Desna running over her skin as she watched the beauty of the butterflies unfold and enjoyed the food.