Sam stood up from leaning over a young student, who had an unfortunate accident of falling down the stairs. Luckily the student only sprained his arm but it was mandatory all student wait until they were released. Hence why there were several Golems within the medical ward as well as to ensure the students didn’t hurt themselves. He finally turned upon hearing last night’s patient stir from her sleep, his gentle eyes fixed upon the student with Esyire and human traits. He mistook her reaction when she jolted upright as pure shock from last night, she after all last remembered herself in the dining hall and now woke up in a strange bed, in a strange room and more. Anyone would’ve felt the same. The healer had been about to settle her down, when a Golem beat him to it, his form fell back a bit. His thoughts wandered to what Lidda had told, giving the same story as the girl, though his rune told him something wasn’t right with the story, but instead he gave her the benefit of the doubt. If Lidda lied, then it was for a reason, one that was to protect the College’s integrity and likely lives. Besides, he was only the healer and when she or Aruna choose to tell the truth, he would listen. He turned to Lidda, healed thanks to her Vitamancy, who was already dressed and about to be released. Once the Vitamancy teacher noticed the young student was up, she smirked after pulling the last piece of clothing, her shirt, on. Finally done, she picked up a bundle from her bed and made her way to Aruna. “So, feeling better? Told Sam your story and he’s been changing your bandages all night though you might want to drink that soup at your bedside. If you want to get better and get out of here soon that helps the process.” She pointed to the bowl sitting there, still heated and delicious smelling as the Golem hustled off to find Aruna’s requested book. In Lidda’s hands were a few clothes, Aruna’s size, held in her lap. “Didn’t know what you wore, but these should fit you.” She plopped them on the bed end. Sam just chuckled at Lidda’s friendliness, and then stepped towards the new face, his hands folded into his sleeves while he drew closer. “Call me Samuel, and I’m currently the College healer. Who might you be? As far as I know, I wasn’t informed of an examination today. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen you either as a student or staff. However maybe you’re lucky enough not to have come onto harm during your stay and that might be why.”