Charlie looked down at the chipped, tiled floor. She was a little shocked that Mila had actually purposed to move in, and a lot happy. Maybe she would finally get that normal roommate that she had wanted ever since her old one moved out. "Really? You'd want to live here?" She had a hard time keeping the amazement out of her voice, sure it was homey but this apartment certainly wasn't ideal. "If you want the room, it's yours. The landlord is kind of a prick, just to warn you, but most of the neighbors are nice; Mrs. Walton from across the hall makes the best pies and Teresa Daigle and her kids are just the sweetest." She smiled and roughly pointed in the directions where their apartments were located. "You'll get along great with everyone! Oh and trust me, you're the most normal person I've had look at this place, most people are just weird and honestly kind of scary." Charlie shivered and let out a laugh. "So, yeah, really. I'd love it if you'd stay." [i]“You’ve really come to my rescue. I’ll have to do something to make it up to you.”[/i] Charlie blushed slightly, turning around to face the wall so the pink tint on her cheeks and neck, that made her look sort of like a tomato in her opinion, didn't show to the other woman. “Uh, yeah.” She shakily laughed, trying to be cute and perhaps flirtatious, although she would never admit to that one. “It's the least I could do. I wouldn't just leave you sitting there.” Wringing her hands, she willed her face to cool down a bit before she turned once again and looked towards her new roommate. “That's just not the type of person I am.” Her voice was gentle as she pushed away from the counter and walked down the hall and into her room calling back with her voice slightly raised. “I'll get you those clothes now. Just a second.” Her voice murmured as she entered the bedroom. Her cluttered room was like an obstacle course as she hopped over CD cases, piles of clothes and other random oddities that littered the floor. Biting her lip, Charlie made a mental not to shut the door when she left, if the living room was bad this was a toxic waste area. The only neat things were the two guitar stands in the corner, one with a fresh looking acoustic guitar in it and the other one empty. Passing by the stands, Charlie quickly grabbed a long shirt and a pair of loose shorts from her top drawer. Folding the clothes delicately, she hugged them to her chest and brought them back into the living room “Here you can change whenever you like.” She said, sinking down into the chair gracefully beside Mila. With a smile, she tugged on her pony tail to smooth it out. “I'm honestly not that hungry. I'll eat later or something.” Charlie shrugged and crossed her legs, the smile on her face faltering a little as Mila undid a button on her shirt. Automatically Charlie's eyebrows raised and she bit her lip. “Um, uh, Avon?” She stuttered, trying her hardest [i]not[/i] to seem weird and awkward. 'Boyfriend, remember Charlie!' She reminded herself sternly. 'But that doesn't mean she can't play for both teams...' Discarding the thought Charlie tried another faltering smile, feeling the blush creep back into her cheeks. “That seems like a good job. It must pay well, but honestly I can't imagine being behind a desk all day.” She really wasn't the desk type of person. Charlie liked motion, action. She couldn't be stuck in an office all the time, even if it was something interesting. “I'm a part time waitress at a local diner, and I play for tips a lot.” Charlie smirked sarcastically, the smile seemingly almost cynical on her face. “It seems kinda lame in comparison, but I've been doing as many gigs as I can, it's a hard field but I'm determined.” Her optimism was clouded somewhat by the rejection that she had received daily ever since she had come to the city. It was getting more and more difficult to go out everyday and play for pedestrians who most of the time didn't even leave a tip. Shaking her head, Charlie sighed. "But that's life."