[center] [img]http://i1367.photobucket.com/albums/r782/Viper_killian/Fallout%20Rebirth%20of%20the%20Enclave/TheFirstOffensive_zps2c79fdbe.png[/img] [/center] For much of the rest of the day, the team did just as Devon did, have a lazy day to do as they please. There was no parties or drunken sprees as on the edges of each of their minds they knew that in a paltry twenty hours, they would be on a Vertibird to their next mission, more deadly than the last. As such was the fate of Eagle Claw. The few that stood were strong, but each knew that at any time, they could fall just as Phoenix had. A bullet between the eyes, a knife to the gut, a set of jaws wrapped around their heads. Anything out there could end them. The thought of that would weigh heavily on their minds the more they realized it. But the more they realized it, the more they saw that there were two sides to the coin. Though there was plenty in the world that could kill them, there was even more out there that they could kill. It would take the force of hundreds if not thousands to bring down the might of Eagle Claw. They were bread not only to fight and survive, but bring down four different nations of super powers that ruled the United States and damn it, they would die a slow painful death before giving up. With that on their minds, the squad had their day, falling asleep early that night seemed best as they would have a very short morning ahead of them.... ___________________ [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3V8SrDcMp8]The Sound of a hundred Vertibirds would be their symphony today.[/url] In the midst of the might of the enclave, flying to a Location only briefly described as they were shoved into Wraith's Vertibird. The ruins of Lewiston, Idaho. The sounds of the engines cut right through the metal that encased the team, assaulting their ears and filling them with a sense of awe at the military power that the enclave had. Andrew, willing to take the beating from the wind that gushed in, opened the Vertibird door. The sight was enough to make one's jaw drop as they witnessed the shadow of the fleet cover the landscape. Nearly a hundred Vertibirds of varying sizes, some even reaching flying fortress standards, each filled to the brim with power armored troops...each one of them heading to just north of NCR territory.... It took a good chunk of the morning to get there. After hooking up with a fleet of Vertibirds at the Canadian border and heading south across the crater of Moscow and to Lewiston, taken over and walled off by the Enclave as a base, the fleet touched down at around noon inside the heart of Lewiston. The Enclave had set up a powerful defense, walls everywhere, snipers on every building, and sensor array towers scanning the landscape for any possible movement. Nothing got within three miles of the place without being turned into something less than dust. Escorted off of the Vertibird, the squad was hurried to the XO's quarters inside the old city hall. There weren't nearly as many hellfire troopers as one would think. There were however enough troops to take over a few dozen cities. From the chatter from troops around the compound, that was what was happening too. Apparently the fleet that they were brought in with was using this city to refuel then spread out over Washington and Idaho and set up shop. There was one hitch in the plan however, and it lied just south, in Boise. Brought into the XO's office, they were greeted by a certain [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110304103706/crysis/images/e/e5/Tara_copy.jpg]Tara Strickland[/url] as she stood on the other side of a map of the area of and around Boise, Idaho. Black lines had been drawn to show troop locations and walls. A red X was drawn just a little north of the town. "Afternoon boys and girls" she began. She got closer to the table and beckoned the others to surround the tables. They did as ordered. "Based on your armors, I'm just going to assume that you're this super secret squad that my commander told me would be coming. You people are mired in secrecy, all I know is that you" She pointed straight at Whisper. "And you" She pointed at Winter this time. "Are the stealth experts of the squad and that you" She pointed at Andrew "and you" She pointed at Tristan "Are the snipers. That's all I needed to know and I'm glad that's all I need to know as frankly, you lot terrify me. Word is that you guys set off a small nuclear bomb in Seattle a few days ago and all that's left is radiation an rubble." _______ "It seems that a powerful enemy has reared it's head, ignoring the warnings we have given them. Hidden behind the flag of blue with a red and white star in the middle and the name "The Libertas", we have been warning the Great Bear of the south, the NCR, that they were not to expand north. They have ignored our warnings and have moved soldiers into Boise International Airport just to the south of here...." [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xwvY6riKRI]Moving swiftly and keenly[/url], Winter and Whisper move through the sludge of a sewer pipe, their destination: Boise International Airport. "While they only send occasional scouts into Boise, they have turned the substantially sized airport into a main base. Hundreds of troops are stationed there with NCR Ranger Snipers alongside them. We cannot attack them directly at first unless we want the whole bear coming down onto us with their full force as many of us would know that the NCR has a vendetta against the Enclave. We can however get a pair of you in stealthily..." Coming up to a ladder that lead up to the middle of the base, Winter waited for Whisper to catch up. A stream of water poured into the tunnel due to the rain that was pouring down above the base. Not radioactive anymore, thankfully, but enough to slow them down. "Under the cover of night, two of your squad will move into the base to disable the communications tower that they have active inside the airport. Take that out and we can move our squads in. The two snipers will then lead a ten man squad to the buildings in Boise that just so happen to overlook the airport." With Ginger and Deathstroke leading the small squad of ten snipers, they split up and went into separate buildings to set up and cover as much ground as they could. "Your team will make sure that not a single straggler escapes to try and warn the rest of the NCR to the attack." Placing down wire traps and frag grenade bombs on their way up the buildings, the sniper squads set up at the tops and had their sights on the base exits. They'd support the final team that would push into the base and would lock down the entire area. "The rest of you will position yourselves in the woods close to the base along with a hundred and fifty other Enclave soldiers and a few...liberated Sherman Tanks. Once the stealth squad gives the signal, the signal being the disabling of the communications tower, move in and don't let a single one of them survive. No prisoners, no survivors. What communications that they'll have between squads will be jammed by us. They'll be like fish in a barrel." With rain coming down, the army was hidden from the snipers, it came down hard enough to mask their presence from the NCR Ranger snipers posted on the walls. The tanks however would be more difficult and thus were located much farther back. Scissors, Venom, Bear, Golem, and Archangel were all grouped up, soaking wet but in their respective armors, ready to push forward once they were given the signal. In the distance, they could see the constantly rotating Communications Satellite's silhouette. Their hands clenched and the tension was high, biting at them constantly, anxious to begin the attack against the great bear of the south.