Trex frowned. "I'm not sure. I guess I should feel bad for them but they really ticked me off. I don't like this hiding behind the scenes picking fights. If you want a fight come on out and let's do it. No dancing around the subject." He shook his head. And that was why he was never going into politics. He glanced at the exceed beside them. They probably should change the subject. He didn't want the poor fellow to think they were excluding him. "So, Bodo how did you join up with your dragon slayer originally? Did he find you as an egg or after you were born?" It seemed a bit strange if Gyastu had found an egg. Originally, exceed eggs had been sent here long time ago by the Exceed Queen in the hopes to save her race from future annihilation. However, after all magic was pulled out of Edolas and the Exceed moved her, most of the exceed hatched here were found and taken back into their families. Though some exceed chose to stick with their humans, many of the exceed lived in a few cities dotting Fiore; the largest of which was located near Magnolia. Looking at this exceed, Trex couldn't tell his age but he guessed he had been born after the Edolas exodus or around there. Either way, it would be interesting to learn a little more about this exceed. Maybe in the tale, Trex could pick up some clues as to why the dragon slayer left in the first place. ~~~~ Nervously waiting while Flynn took the book and quickly examined it, Skye started to glance away when he spoke. Frowning, she looked at him. "Are you certain?" She inquired not really sure if she should leave. There was a lot they needed to find and these rings were more important then what she wanted to know. Especially as she doubted she would find what she was looking for if the section was anything like the celestial library. However, when Flynn seemed certain, Skye picked up the map. "I won't take long." She promised. At least she hoped she wouldn't. Leaving, she exited the celestial library and headed back to the main lobby. From there she would follow the map to Classification category. After many twists and turns Skye found herself in the room. Located in the basement of the building, Skye saw that the library was much smaller then the Celestial library. A lone table sat in the middle of the room with two chairs. Apparently not many people came down this far. Either that or she was incredibly lost. Glancing at the nameplate on the door, she sighed. So she wasn't lost. That was good news. Putting the map on the table she went over and looked at the bookshelves. Grabbing a book she started to peruse it. There were many types of magic broken off into different categories. However, she did not find the one she was looking for. Going through book after book, Skye frustration built. Nothing. The greatest library in the country, possibly in the world and she couldn't find what she needed. She discovered several types of magic she didn't know about but not the one she really wanted to know. So much for trying to get around it. Cursing she slammed the latest book back in its place. Would she ever be free? Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. Trying not to cry she sat there until she regained her composure. Glancing at the map she wondered how long she had been gone. two hours? three? Quickly jumping up she grabbed the map and headed back. Even with the map she got turned around a few times before she finally made it back to the lobby. Spotting Flynn, she headed toward him. "I'm so sorry." She stated. "I lost track of time." Spotting the large clock she winced as she realized she had been down there about six hours. She bit her lip. "Find anything interesting?" She inquired tentatively.