Guan stood rigid and unmoving. The sweltering heat made a drop of sweat roll down the side of his face. His metal helmet was like an oven turned up on high. He fidgeted a bit as he wiggled his legs, he was not accustomed to standing in the same spot for such a long time, he needed [b]action[/b]. Action was what kept his attention from the droll of laziness, he wanted a fight, anything to keep this feeling of boredom at bay. He looked out from the corner of his life towards his teammates, all completely still. "[i]How the hell do they do that!?[/i]" He thought to himself as he changed the way he was standing for about the twentieth time. "[i]Am I the only one bored as hell?[/i]" The thoughts continued as he changed his attention to the crowd, maybe if he thought about something else, the ceremony wouldn't drag out as long as it seemed. It had been years since he left Osorcul, a poor boy who was the son of a poor potter. It was interesting to see himself, a low-class kid, stand as one of the most honored warriors throughout the land in front of a huge crowd. He doted on his personal vanity for a short time before remembering he was bored and excruciatingly hot, "[i]Geez, whose idea was it to have the ceremony in hell's own weather?[/i] he thought with a sarcastic smile on his face. His whole life had lacked action, maybe as a Dragoon he would find some fun, his thirst for battle had become an obsession to find conflict, he needed something desperately. Guan looked up from his daydreaming to see Lucia begin to chant. Curious, Guan looked around the rest of his peers and noticed they were just as confused as he. He felt the hairs on his neck stand on his neck stand on end and his blood began to boil, something [b]exciting[/b] was about to happen. He felt a tingle in his teeth as he clenched them, his martial artist's instincts were all firing off, whatever she was doing, Guan wanted to make sure he found out. He craned his neck to look to the sky. The sky turned dark and lightning began to crack, the clouds descended and became dragons. "[i]This looks fun[/i]" he thought with a crazed smile. He turned his attention back to Lucia who had taken off her helmet. "Well she's pretty hot, a bit crazy, but hot," He said as he drew his Guandao from his back. He watched as she knocked aside one of his classmates with a scalding palm. He was excited now, his blood was boiling and he was stirring for a fight, a mere strip of self-control was keeping his battle lust from making him jump in and have a go at Lucia himself. He ripped his helmet off and threw it aside with a crazed smile. This was it, [b]action[/b], what he craved, what he [i]desired[/i]. He kept himself from attacking Lucia, as he watched another of his classmates shoot his claw at her but miss. There was no way he could fight her now, he had waited his whole life, he could wait a little longer to fight. His fingers clenched around his Glaive as he brushed a hand through his hair while chuckling to himself and trembling with excitement. He couldn't contain it, he let out a roar of joy as he watched Lucia flew away. The journey to defeat her would be nothing short of a blast. Carefully, he collected himself, still trembling a bit, he spoke to those who were now gathering, "I can't wait, this'll be the most fun I've had in a while."