I had originally planned on letting other players decided, but seeing as I lacked the the necessary number of answers. I've just decided to go with this. Anyway, this is based off of a what-if scenario regarding the Ghost Prison Incident(Now known as the Gentis Coup), in which that both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader were both killed a few months after the end of the Clone Wars, leading to the end of the Empire and a very different setting. ------------------------------ Months had passed since the Clone Wars had finally been put to an end, the confederacy is broken, the New Galactic Empire reigns in a new age of peace, at least what they want to believe. The Empire now wages a final campaign of destruction for the scattered remnants and holdouts of the separatists, sending it's armies in one last strike. The Campaigns have been bloody, many lives lost, both clone and human alike. Sons, brothers, and Fathers taken away from their families in the Emperor's mad quest for total galactic domination. However, he was too blind to see his actions would indeed have terrible consequences, for one particular man would stop at nothing, to put an end to the unnecessary bloodshed. It all began one that one faithful day on Coruscant. As a new batch of cadets brace for their next step in their military career, as Imperial Officers, it was to be a time of celebration. But that would not last. As The sun set on Coruscant, as Nightfall came, it started. The Imperial Plaza was lit ablazed as the bombs were set off, catching the garrisons off guard as thousands of armed revolutionaries flooded the streets, slaughtering and overwhelming the defending Stormtroopers. These men were none other then the cadets, following the commands of the Headmaster of the Imperial Academy, Gentis. The battle was short-lived, it did not take long for Darth Vader, the Emperor's Enforcer and Apprentice, to rally the stormtroopers to fight off the rebels, they had the upper hand, until the Central Plaza Building was also set off with explosives, it however, was quite different. The building was engulfed in a green mist, it was the necrotic Aorth-6 virus.And worst of all, the Emperor was within the building, Darth Vader and a squad of troopers hurried to the Emperor's aid, greeted by a a crowd of dying soldiers, but still marched on. Darth Vader then came to see that, the Emperor indeed, did not survive the attack, he laid in his chambers, a corpse. This had sent the Sith lord into a frenzy, as he stormed out of the building, pushing the remaining stormtroopers into the fray as he charged towards a mass of rebels as they unleashed a volley of blaster fire. Pieces of his armor begun to fall as he took as much of the blaster fire as he could, slashing away, taken a few of the rebels with him, until he could go on no more, and fell to his knees, dropping his lightsaber. Gentis, upon arriving to see his plan succeed, and to deliver the final blow to the empire. He stared into Darth Vader's exposed, furious eyes for a brief moment before executing him with his own lightsaber, slicing his head clean. All cheered as they witnessed the greatest moment in their lives. They single handily saved the Empire, and the galaxy, or so they thought. After acquiring the support of a few Generals and Admirals, Gentis had announced to the Galaxy of Deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, and crowned himself Emperor, his vision would soon come to a bitter end. Gentis could not hold the empire together as it crumbled right before his eyes. The Galaxy once again descended into chaos. Worlds loyal to the Old Republic immediately broke away, Civil War amongst the most powerful of Imperial Moffs and Military Officers, separatist holouts striking back and regaining momentum. Twenty years had passed since the Gentis Coup, the galaxy is now a much different place, the Empire is no more, in it's place, is a vast array of imperial successor states, each claiming the mantel of True Heir to the Empire. Republic and Confederate loyalists alike were not immune to these political divides, even the remnants of the sith, and surprisingly, the jedi, are divided amongst themselves in such a matter, each establishing their own Orders throughout the Galaxy, while most other worlds and systems simply do not care. This new period is known to many as the Succession Wars, a time of continuous, on and off warfare. Be it skirmishes between small time warlords, to sector or regional spanning wars between larger powers, and there seems to be no end in sight. It is an uncertain and frighting time, a time for the rise of new heroes and villains alike, what part will you play in these hard times? ------------------------------ [b][u]Instructions on Player-content[/u][/b] As you know, Star Wars is quite abundant with content, and while this is an alternate setting, there will still be some limitations, however, I want to talk about what players can do, rather then don't. First off, I do plan on using the Star Wars Wiki as a primary source of info and ideas for players to work with. Choosing where to base their nation and whatnot, however, there's also ample opportunity for players to play around with ideas if certain things were to come up. For example, a world/system/sector has been ravaged by the empire or enslaved, but, that was after 19 BBY, so, with the Empire gone before then, their fate and history after the coup lies entirely up to you. Another example, in the original timeline, Alderaan is destroyed, oh, but wait, without the empire, the Death Star now remains incomplete and most likely abandoned , see what I mean? Now for the rules on player creativity. There are thousands upon thousands of worlds and species out there. And made clear on the wiki, many pages on worlds, systems and aliens are left vague, with little to no information, basically blank, that is when you come in. Study and research the particular sector or sectors within your borders, their worlds and inhabitants. Use what little info you can to make the species and worlds how you imagine them to be. [b][u]Nation Sheet[/u][/b] Flag: Nation Name: Government Type: Capital Sector: Holdings:(Optional, these are surrounding, nearby sectors under the control of your faction, limit is four) Leader(s): Persons of Importance: Military: History(Brief history is also optional): Other: Nations are not the only thing we can play as, player also have the option of playing as Organizations that can range to anything, from a gang or a collection of pirates, a rebel/terrorist group, a corporation(although in some cases, a corporation or megacorp could be a nation in it's own right), or mercenaries, even jedi or sith. The possibilities are endless! [b][u]Organization Sheet[/u][/b] Organization Name: Profession: Affiliation:(optional) Leader(s): Persons of Importance: Military and Civilian Assets: Brief History: Other: ------------------------------- So what do you think, anyone want in?