Lysander watched the interaction between Dumas and Jadis. She had given him an order, but his will had bended quite easily. An impressionable fellow, he will take the quicker route to reward or action I think. Lysander had interested Dumas, likely as he had seen the princess and all, it had clouded his judgment. On the other-hand, though Jadis chided her captain (So he was her dog, to be chided but not to be blamed for his own basic nature), she did not seem overly angry or surprised. In fact, she called him a prince... "How do you know of me?" Lysander stepped toward her, squintin g, trying to see her more clearly through her glamor (be it magical or natural beauty). The Narnians had not heard of Atlantis, nor did anyone on Mathias have reason to either. He had not announced himself as a prince, or as anything other than a Narnia. But the Queen's cold gaze was knowing. As if she could see through him for what he truly was in a glance... ... and no one had ever given the prince that sort of feeling before. "Brave? Foolish?" Lysander shrugged. "Both of these describe base and impulsive traits of men... what I am is [i]interested[/i]." He gave the Queen a graceful bow. "I am Lysander. And as you already know I am sent from Narnia to know your plans and intentions... negotiate I suppose..." He trailed off, as if bored for a moment, and found himself studying her frosted brow, her sharp jawbone, her white gown. "What is it that you demand?" It was two questions in one. As the ambassador, what did Jadis demand of Narnia and Mathias? And, as she spoke of delights, what would she demand there? Lysander was not like young Edward to be lured by candies, or Dumas to be foll low loves folly, if he were to betray Caspian and the others for a new master. It would be entirely of his own power... ... Or so he imagined. He underestimated the power of the great queen. Even as he saw her in all her glory, he foolishly thought, as men often do, that he was the wiser one. Perhaps the Queen had been right to call him foolish. ~~~ Soft, floral, glorious... Caspian was lost in the moment when their lips met. He felt her hand in his hair as she returned the gesture gladly... he closed his eyes and began to slide a hand around her waist... Then they were interrupted, he straightened as the Centaur neared. His cheeks were red but his eyes were sharp, focused on the news brought with him. "Attack?" Jadis moved quickly. "Take us there." He and Celine both had live steel still in hand. The centaur nodded, and Caspian mounted upon him. He turned toward Celine, and held out his hand toward her. "Hurry." As he looked down upon her, he was reminded of the smell of flowers, and was quite sorry they had been interrupted. Yet, he could hardly ignore an outright attack upon the place. It was also likely to be Show Queen's army, so Celine had as much at steak as he did in this war that had only just begun to touch his own land with her cold fingers... more at steak, as her land had already been consumed by ice and winter. [i]Jadis[/i] her name was a curse in his mind. "Celine." he held out his hand to her, then the Centaur would take them toward their foe.