Lola inclined her head. "You're up sir Knight?" she smiled. "I suppose you took my concoction earlier than most. Brave of you." Miranda snorted, and allowed herself to be lowered back down. She was drowsy, and wobbly, though she felt the world slowly clearing back into focus. She knew Hilde was there, naturally...but was also aware of Khaylan, the much less thrilling news. The healer cared little. "Before you go, sir," she said. "I insist on running a test or two, to at least make sure you're aware enough not to get your purse snatched."Sshe flashed him a grin. "If you behave, I can lend you a horse even, since your brethren [i]kindly[/i] paid my fees." "You're...a cruel woman, Lola," Miranda noted. "Charging for the hurt..." "These are rough times, Miri," Lola replied. As part of the test, she lit a small flame on a tiny stick. "And I'm not picky; whatever you can give me is good enough." She held the light, and told Miranda to follow with her eyes. The blond did so, and let the woman poke, and prod, and test what she wanted. "You'll be fine in about an hour or so," she finally said. "But, while I'm here, I need your story of what happened." "Hm?" Miranda blinked. "Your friend claims you were attacked by a witch," Lola narrowed her eyes. "Perhaps calmer minds can give me the truth?" Miranda blinked, searched her recent memories, and felt her body tense. Fear flooded her mind, as she shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself. "It was," she shuddered. "everyone was frozen! And then...s-she grabbed me, and stabbed my right shoulder with her fingers. M-my blood formed some kind of pattern on the ground, I don't know what it did and...and..." She frowned up at Khaylan. "It connected to you," she said, raising one eyebrow.