I've done some 1x1s before, but never put up an interest check so this is me doing that. [b]Standards[/b] Pretty much, I straddle the line between Casual and Advanced. I love a good post with a few paragraphs, although I don't like to pad. I understand that you can't always have four paragraphs when you're RPing a conversation with another RPer. I don't do that, and I don't really expect someone to do that. Also when it comes to romance and male/female etc. etc. I don't have any hang-ups about RPing with a guy or a girl, and I don't really have a problem RPing as a woman. As far as doing stuff with romance, I kind of err on the side of not doing it. I'm not opposed to it, but I don't feel you need to force something if it isn't there. I go to college during the week and work through the weekends, but I have enough free time to post a few times a week, at least once a day depending on the circumstances of where the story's at. [b]Genres[/b] Fandoms: Like romance, I'm not 100% against fandoms, but it would have to be something special to get me into it. I'm a big comics and literature nerd. I love DC, Marvel, and Image Comics. I really love The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey, Chandler's Marlowe seres, and anything James Ellroy. History: I'm a big history fan, American history, some parts of European history, and Roman history are some of my favorite parts of history. Favorite eras are the 20th and 19th century. I also am not opposed to alternate history. I have an alternate history world set up involving a spy organization and ex-presidents if someone is into that (It's out there, believe me.) Politics, war, and any other facet of history I'm pretty much into. At the moment I'd really like to do some kind of war or politics RP, either one of those or a mix of the two. Crime: I love crime fiction. I eat that shit up like its nobody's business. Noir, PIs, bank robbers, corrupt cops, yeg men, femme fatales, morally bankrupt protagonists, morning, noon, and night. Only subgenre I'm not digging is serial killers. I feel that they're a bit played out and I can't think of anything new or unusual I'd want to do inside that genre. Like the history, I have my own world. Pickett County, SC is a location for potential "trailer noir" stories, southern-fried crime drama partially based on my own hometown. Spy/Thriller: I like espionage and some military themed stuff. It can blend with some history and war genres, but I've always been a fan of the genre. I'm willing to do the martini spywork of Bond to the stale beer work of Le Carre. Western: I like westerns. Nothing too much to say on this front other than I like the genre and would be open to any potential 1x1s.