Rebecca didn’t seem to notice the sourness in Adrian’s voice; if she did then she didn’t seem to mind anyway. The girl hopped down off her seat and followed the man contently, staying silent this time. As they reached the main lobby of the building she looked at the few tense security guards that seemed uneasy in letting her outside. However, at Adrian’s side she was free to leave the building, the girl running the last few steps and actually stopping as she got outside, looking up at the tall buildings almost in awe. She was stunned silent, nothing but wide eyes and big open mouth on her face. “You know... I haven’t been outside since I came to this place.” She eventually said softly, turning to smile slightly at Adrian. I’ve missed the sun, the fresh air, the wind...” Her wings spread wide as a cool gust of air blew through them, ruffling her feathers and tossing her hair. For a long time it looked as if she were about to fly away. But eventually they were folded back into her back and she jumped down the few steps and landed lightly on the sidewalk. “Okay then, so... where are we going exactly?” She asked, sounding a little unsure of herself. Now that she was outside she had no idea where to actually go or what to do. Rebecca was excitable and keen but she would never hesitate to admit when she didn’t know what she was doing or when she needed help. “And... when we actually find this guy... what do we do?” She knew what she’d usually do, rush in and slam the guy, maybe drop him from a high place. But right now whilst she was thinking clearly she wasn't as keen to do things like that.