OH YEAH!!!! Hope this is good, if not ill make changes (just made him pub owner cause, how can he play if there is no pub? so made sense.) Name: Felix Goldedge Age: 24 Job: Musician / Bar keeper Personality: Generally optimistic, Felix is rarely seen without a smile on his face, and treats everyone as if he had been friends with them forever, making him generally easy to get along with, however, he does notice he can come off the wrong way when he just helps himself into places without knocking, or helping himself to his friends fridge. He tries to keep himself in check and not do this too often. Goes with the flow for most things, and hard to rub the wrong way, but not a pushover. He can be serious, though he will usually burst out in laughter afterwards. Appearance: With his neck length hair dyed bright red, Felix will usually be wearing an untucked white button shirt under a tight black sweater with dress pants held up by a red and black belt and black shoes while working. Casually wearing long black, red, and white tropical shorts, and a red T-shirt with a faded star on its side, and black sneakers. When it is colder out, he usually dawn his faded black jeans, and a white and black stripped coat over his t-shirt, with a white scarf draped around his neck. History: Felix Has always dreamed of being a star, loved his music and dance, and was going to go forward with it...The only problem was, he lacked funding, and his parents with their backing farming, didn't exactly support this choice. He set off anyways, doing odd jobs in pubs and drifting from town to town, trying his luck in music, and trying to earn a small keep. In the end though, he managed to get himself in an interesting spot. He accidently used all of his savings on a get rich scheme, which was really the down payment for an old pub. With his knowledge from his times working in pubs though, he would manage, as he fixed the run down place up. He has lived in Prosper Town for a few months now, but mostly getting his pub ready to be opened. Currently lives alone in one of the upper rooms of his pub. Hasn't given up on his dream yet.