[hider=Wolmak] [b]Name:[/b]Wolmak (The Wizened) - No he is not a Wizard it is simply a title... [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Age:[/b]54 [b]Race:[/b]Dwarf of the Mountains [b]Appearance:[/b] I usually text and picture... never just text'd a appearance. Let us give it a go. Wolmaks is marginally taller than most of his kin, about the height of an adolescent human boy. If it were not for his breadth and beard from afar he could be mistaken for as such. His skin is tanned and hard from years of servitude to the forges that make his kind legendary. He is has no battle scars but his brow is furrowed with man lines and the tip of his beard that extends down to his waist is singed from flame or heat. His hands are course and hard due to the constant abuse from the forges and while his body is more muscle than fat there is a clearly visible beer belly on him from too many visits to the tavern. [b]Personality:[/b]Joyful, Cheerful, Stubborn, Kind. [b]History:[/b] Wolmak was born into the Second Mountain, known amongst his kin as Milta. This mountain is historically rich for ore even compared to its sister mountains that are also inhabited by Dwarven kind. He was born into one of the smith families, ever since he was a little dwarf he had been raised to work metal, even though he is still young by dwarf standards, When he was younger he worked merely on fashioning bars of metal out of ores as was the fashion amongst his family. However he was unsatisfied with this work and always strove for more. At the age of fifteen he fashioned his first dagger, twenty his first full set of armour. Of course he bragged about these proceedings due to still being young and naive until he was taken before the Master Smith, his father. His father had two options, punish him or step down from position. Before he could make a decision the door flew off its hinged. Unknowingly the miners had distrubed a troll lair and the beast went on a rampage. His father was killed as were many of the other Smiths, during his mothers grieving she had to sit through a second trial as Wolmak was brought before the New Master Smith. Due to the recent killings, he was acquitted however he was punished with being forbidden from using protective gloves in his duties. For the rest of the time he became renowned as a master smith, being compared to his father and said to be even more skilful. However for years he suffered from blisters that after a days work left him barely able to lift his mug of beer and manage to eat his meal. However it merely made him more determined to become the best smith he could, and one day become Master Smith and bring back honour to his family. Then there was the Orcs. Movement through the mountains, the dwarves were called to arms and the forges ran non stop for weeks on end arming the military against a suspected attack, that never came. Again Wolmak proved himself an excellent smithy, his hands now so hard they were practically immune to the searing heat of the forges. Due to his skill and his need to bring honour back to his family he was attached to Sir Gehrhart as he joined the expedition. [b]Skills:[/b][i]competent[/i] warrior. Nothing special. (Basically in a battle he'd be skilled like one of those un-important characters who gets mowed down by the hero/heroes/villian/villans). Master Smith, pack mule(Strength). [b]Possessions:[/B]Armour with the crest marking him as one of the smiths of Milta, warhammer, bag full of basic tools. [b]Misc:[/b] [/hider]