From tree limb to tree limb, vine to vine, Rho passed like a shadow in the canopy, moving with a practiced grace. As his lander was one of the first ones down, he was ahead of most of the vanguard. Rho stopped on a high canopy branch, enjoying the silence, it was part of the reason he preferred landing first as a hunter. Yet even the sounds of the battle reached his position, though this was from the crackling garble of the rebel scout's radios below him. He has been tracking them for around five minutes back to wherever they were setting up the front line defenses, but now he could see the various static defenses through the foliage, they were about forty, fifty meters out. [i]"Perfect."[/i] Rho though coldly as he silently swung to a lower branch, releasing and extending Maelstrom. "Agh, damn swamp rats." one of the rebels asked as he shook out his boot "I thought you said they put us in bunks, not send us out on recon job" "Hey, that was before they started landing en masse." one of his comrades, responded quickly "Besides you'd still have to deal with the rats getting into your shoes." It seemed like only the two of them to Rho as he listened, but upon peering down from his perch he spied a third, quieter one, positioned near the back. [i]"Three, unaware, unprepared, shouldn't take that long"[/i] He thought as a feeling akin to having too much static charge in ones body, washed over Rho, a familiar feeling. In an eye-blink Rho was gone, a predatory growl being the only thing left of him. Silently he dropped to the jungle floor, Maelstrom in hand and advanced, slowly to the rearguard of the scouts. It took Rho less time than the thought, one good stab and the man dropped, a look of confusion painting his face as a n invisible spear was thrust through him, cutting off any cries. Withdrawing his weapon slowly, the invisible Rho turned and advanced on the other two. Quickly dispatching with the task, Rho turned and began to make his way to the Rebel front-line, keeping his cloak up for good measure. As he neared the line he spied it, a large mech suit, something no ordinary solder would be able to pilot, or even need. He silently keyed his comm "Command, this is Rho. I have visual on a possible High value. Requesting permission to engage."