Jorn kept up his pace as the orc rushed by him, He looked to him as he caught that scent of his, though he ignored it for the most part considering he would have to be in his beast form to get a good read on it. He somewhat wished this was a companion adventure, at least then he wouldn't have to worry about anybody finding out what he was, and they would hunt together. It was then that the Jhajit was speaking, Jorn looking over and shook his head as the orc responded "harsh words, but true words" he said as he walked so he was a little closer to the Khajit "If one thinks him self weak, then he is weak" He added before turning his head to him "though strength is not only measured how large your sword or axe is. Find what makes you strong" he said. His family worked of a system of the older generations teaching the new, as well he helped out with training with the companion's new members. Such things came easy to natural to him as he looked up at the dunmer and orc. He could of matched there pace, maybe even gone faster. But they were already pulling a head as he looked over to his fellow nord "Would you mind moving to the back of our little group. We should have our strongest fighters in the front and back." he said looking forward at the two slowly pulling ahead. He understood eagerness to get there, but when travailing in a group you only move as fast as your slowest member. Soon camp was being made, he looked around some and then saw the orc, he seemed irritated. Jorn understood that slightly as he him self could keep going, but for now he took in a deep breach of that cold mountain air as he exhaled and he could his breath. Deciding to take a moment he walked away from the camp, standing on he edge of the mountain as he looked out over the horizon and that vast distance. The distance howl of wolves as he looked up at the two moons. He wanted to go out and hunt, but for now such things would have to wait as he turned back around walking back to the camp. He made his way through it to Ulemi "Have you met Irileth? She is a housecarl to Jarl Balgruuf in whiterun" he stated as he sat down before her, one knee up he rested an arm pulling out some bread and meat. Holding the meat ontop he bit into it chewing and swallowing it. "She is dunmer like you, you honestly remind me of her a bit. Very capable fighter, strong willed, slightly stubborn" he said looking around the camp "though she had more experience in leading I suspect." he spoke quietly in the last part, not wanting the others to hear this. He took a bite of his bread chewing on it as he smiled swallowing before speaking, still he kept his voice low "if we are to live we need to act less like individuals, and more like a group. Look at wolves, they take care of there wounded, bring it food until it can hunt once more. They move at the pace of there slowest member." he stated looking around at some of the others "If you are to be the leader you shouldn't be so far ahead that you can't command, and you should get to know the people under you. Know where they are strong, where they are weak so you can plan accordingly, for some of us it is obvious where we are strong, we wear our armor and carry are large weapons. A fool knows what we can do, but what of the others, the more subtle ones" He made a motion with his head shrugging his shoulders as if to say 'who knows' "Take my counsel or ignore it, it's up to you." he was well traveled, and very used to working in groups as well as working alone, adventuring was his lively hood and he had done it his entire life. Standing up he walked away leaving there leader as he looked around the camp. The path was narrrow up the mountain and fallowed a clif for the most part, this was good cause it meant there was less places for surprise attack. He took a seat around the fire eating his bread and meat, he wasn't honestly expecting to much from the likes of bandits or anything. There wasn't really anywhere to set up a good camp, the only way up started to close to a town. No bandits shouldn't be a problem, but his homeland had far worse things then bandits to deal with. "So who wants the first watch?" he announced leaning back and finishing off his food as he sat by the fire, he himself didn't care, he didn't get much sleep as that wolf inside was restless and caused restless sleep and he would probably be up for most of the night.