Frey made a face as he saw Augustine, his oldest brother, as well as a general in the kingdom's army. Together, with his dragon Cassius, the prince had quickly risen the ranks and held one of the most esteemed honors. Similar to the rest of his siblings, Augustine regarded his youngest brother kindly. Frey couldn't stand him. That wretched dragon and his superior senses! Frey knew about them, for they were the reason he was still alive. Cassius could sense danger hours before they happened, which was part of the reason he was so powerful. In fact, Cassius would disappear when Frey looked for him while he was angry, knowing better than to simply let himself be defeated. The younger prince crossed his arms. Now that the lights were back on, there was nothing left to be afraid of. At this, the oracle smiled slightly. So, the prince though she would go easy on him, eh? Too bad, so as, as the saying goes. "Frey. Asbel." She said calmly, looking at them each and then back to Augustine. "Your highness, you gave me a grand idea for a punishment. Listen up, you two. General Augustine has decided to... partake in your punishment." Frey bit his lip a bit nervously. That glint in Blanche's eye couldn't bode well for him. He already had a small room, with the only worse accommodation being a broom closet or something like that. "We've been having issues with parties on the Northern territory. They claim to have been ignored by the king. I want you to travel there and console these poor souls, who are members of our kingdom as well." "What?!?!" Frey shouted almost at an earsplitting tone. Blanchette blinked in a bored fashion before she continued. "And to show them our support, we shall have Asbel come along to give their livestock the gift of longevity. Make sure not to leave any feathers behind, though. You see, the monarch that takes care of things in that region, has fallen ill. You need to mend her sickness." She said slowly. "But there is a mountain range that separates our territory and the North. To traverse these mountains is no easy task, I hope you know. So in order to ensure you survive, Augustine and Cassius shall be accompanying you! I'm sure you'll have a..." She giggled. "A grand old time." Frey just stared dumbstruck. "Please... no!" He begged. He wouldn't mind the task, but he would have to be with Asbel AND August! This wasn't going to be good... "You depart in the morning. Get a good rest, boys." With that, the Almighty Oracle disappeared into him air.