Book 1 -Vivid Project Children, the first book of the RP where conflicts and mysteries are thrown in our fated destiny and our characters, we shall unveil what awaits us. This story consists of 26 chapters or should I say episodes, whatever you wanna call it. Thus this book is focused on Espers and the state of our world. All in all, note yourself worthy if you ever want to join this RP full of thrills and excitement. I shall inform you in advance. [hider= Some things to know]-Computers are now futuristic and holographic, it is accessed through Micro-bullet, a small pod that gives us access through activities. -We humans are now nigh immune to all sorts of diseases, we also posses the sixth sense, we are a hundredfold advance than our ancestors. Sixth sense enables us to communicate with the supernatural, mind you that this is a passive ability, once activated there is no turning back, you have to control your senses. -Neuron Linker/Fujitsu Link or Fuji Link, a microchip computer that is implanted in humans today, we are able process things organize and faster than before, this technology is implanted to our brain, lining up to our neck/vertebrates. Ever since the day we are born and it helps us connect to FUJITSU Network, a company that regulates our link and it is like how in real life where restrictions and access are applied. Fujitsu Link is the name of the device, to use the device one must wear the hi-tech necklace that connects to your nervous system. Concept Credits go to Accel World and it's author. Yeah, now that this technology is alive, you may play online games in a virtual reality setting!. Unfortunately not all can afford such technology, it maybe expensive but it is very limited and difficult to mass replicate the N-Link or Fujitsu Link. Our modern technology are made by the following countries: Japan, China, United States of America, Saudi Arabia , Germany, France , Singapore and other powerful countries. China being the strongest country today. You may request whatever technology that fits and is suitable in the RP. -And of course robotic drones are very limited and hard to mass produce, android detectives as well, of course this is the pinnacle of the law and order, ensuring safety of our countries and our world. We still maintain humans because it is more suitable. [/hider] Rules. Rules of the site strictly applies. Post requires detailed paragraphs or two. No perfect characters. Additionally, there are other rules for character creations and interactions as well - Each player will have 2 characters, one male and female. - The maximum is three and I'll allow the third one to those who have the dedication. - If you want a sister/brother/close friend/lover who may not within the available player groups (Whatever the faction like Espers etc) as a character in the game, talk to another player instead of playing both yourself. - Just make sure the characters are in the same class As this RP is a multi-interaction zone, some of you'll eventually pair up. - Please don't pair your own characters up. Talk to other players instead of yourself - And don't pair both of your characters to the same player either. Expand the circle to 3 instead of two, it'll be better this way. - I don't encourage you pair up with players who are playing your sister/brother/close friend/lover unless you want to pair the aforementioned characters up. Let me put it simple, you cannot create your own set of OC that are related to one another as they will be NPC, if you want to have any connection, decide it with one another. This increases development of your skills. That is all. Character Types. Espers/Psychic -Evolved humans that are one with defying physics, known as a psychic. Espers are beyond the realm of sixth sense. They are the product of Sciences that help build our world a better place. The highest level and the maximum that one can reach is Level 50, there are only 9 Level 50's that exist today, they belong to the 2nd generation of ranks, replacing deceased or retired Level 50's. Becoming an Esper is risky as your life depends on it however one can be an Esper if exposed to radioactive fields. Magicians -Used by religion and other type of magicians, magic is known as the opposer of Science-logic and Espers. They are ranked from lowest to highest. Magus Mage Warlock(Evil Karma) or Wizard(Good Karma) Archmage Light and Dark Type of Characters Angels- CLOSED FOR NOW. Demons -Such as Youkai etc. Humans. Character Sheet. Appearance: (Put in spoilers if pictures are too big) Name: Codename: [Basically applies to Espers, strictly applies as well some organization.] Gender: Male or Female unless you're a hermaphrodite lol. Occupation: Position: (If you hold any special position like a leader or something) Date of Birth:(Say the age,month and year) Nationality: Background: (Only relevant information, please, 3 paragraphs or less.) Personality: Please explain it in a paragraph or more. Notable quirks(Likes and Dislikes): (Optional but encouraged) Theme Song: Ability(Esper), Magic(Magicians), Yƍjitsu (Youkai). NOTE: Pick your designated one. Artifact(s): Are special weapons that are ethereal, holy etc. Nobody should have this yet. Extra: Alignment: (Good, Evil etc) Note: (This area is reserved for personal facts to be established in-game. Edit them if you must.) Relationships: (Is establish by player agreement and so on)