CS: Name: Alexa Cassandra Welborne Age : 20 Short Desc: Short black hair with brown eyes, she stood at 5' 11". She has athletic build for her body. Bio: Alexa was a student with mostly average scores in her reports. The one thing that she excelled in and stood her out from the others was her love and talent for sports and gymnastic. She joined a Gymnast Club and excelled in it during her Senior high school. She also expressed interest in engineering and tinkering with motorbikes. When she was about to enter College, however, a lung sickness, which the doctor later diagnosed as an allergy result, made her unable to continue her Gymnastic. Thankfully the condition was not permanent, though the doctor cautioned that it could re-appear again, and she could do nearly all her usual activities (outside sports) like normal as long as she doesn't overdo it. [img=http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad268/inishtar/AviGirl/images_zps4288081b.jpg] [img=http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad268/inishtar/AviGirl/chihiro_54_zps7febc3fb.jpg]