CS: Name: Veronika (Veronica) Maja Orlov Age : 18, soon turning 19 Short Desc: Long, silky cream coloured hair with pale, porcelain skin. With slim and frail appearance she stands at 5'6''. Her eyes, framed with long eyelashes are greyish blue. Bio: Coming from a rich family, it goes without saying that Veronika is a proper young lady who has been taught basics of all skills. Manners, grace, dancing, horse riding, poetry, Latin, archery, you name it. She also paid great attention to her studies, always having a private tutor as well and was thus always admired for her grades, as well as her looks. It is a pity however, that all those private lessons didn't come with a lesson about real life, because Veronica is living in a dream. Being raised in an aristocratic family, she ended up being quite spoiled, manipulative, two-faced and snobbish. Putting others down and spinning them around her finger is her way of letting out all the built up frustration from being opressed by her family. When dealing with those she deems are below her and those who are above her, her behaviour and character change completly. Her friendships and relationships are all short-lived, as she only knows how to look after herself. However, her power and charisma resulted in her gaining a title of a princess, knowing many people, having an army of friends (or rather sheep followers) who she regularly hangs out with, but dosen't consider to be true companions. Despite having many hobbies and skills, Veronika was never pointed towards a career. All her family ever wanted her to do was to look pretty and in all honesty - she is very good at it. Upon finishing her private high school, her parents already began setting up an arranged marriage for her. Despite being horrified by this, she has so far done nothing to stop it, as she's been obediently carrying out the orders of her parents entire life. [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/083/c/6/veronika_sketch_by_soranea-d7bgjc0.jpg] (will get updated)