Tarak shivered. He had been hiding behind a nearby bush for quite some time, watching the group trek up the mountain and set camp. He was somewhat difficult to see, being short. How he was able to reach Ivarstead and follow the group without being seen was something of wonder - but that didn't matter to Tarak. He simply required a group to travel with. For now, he would simply wait, he could see that some of the group members were on watch, and making noise or using magic could result in him being noticed. For now, he would simply cast Candlelight, the ball of light was dim and flickered, as Tarak had very little practice in the Alteration school. Despite this, there was just enough light to see anything before it got to a moderate distance to him. Luckily, Tarak had managed to buy a loaf of bread from Ivarstead's inn prior to following the group. As long as he wasn't greedy, it would last for quite a while. However, they never sold anything drinkable other than Mead and Wine - both of which he hated. If he was lucky, he might be able to steal water from the group if they couldn't co-ordinate the watch properly. Assuming they had any supplies at all. He would probably repay anything he took. Probably.