[b][u]~Information~[/b][/u] [INDENT]Tailteann, a world of infinite possibilities for all who live there. Their world, influenced by the imaginations of all. Magic taking shape through imagination, and there being no limit to the possibly power, should the one trying to call forth such power have the strength of spirit to harness control of the chaos incarnate. Reigning over the world are Three Kingdoms, Fiddare, Russovia, and Physt, each having their own beliefs, and their own strengths. Each having reason to yearn for dominance over Tailteann. Now for the first time in a century, as the world enters a new era, as it has been for time as long as anyone has known, and as long as history has been recorded. It is the year of the Goddess' Calm. A happening that happens once a century, observed by the three nations. A Year of Ceasefire. No War. Yet it seems some would take advantage of this opportunity, break the traditions. And establish victory in a stagnant war hundreds of year in the process. All that might stand against the three powers is the neutral states in the middle of the world, unnamed, and reigned by the law enforced by the cities themselves, only one would remain untouchable while others would be warred over. Life tough, but rewarding in all of these states. But with war during a sacred year seeming ever more present... could the Goddess' Calm finally be broken? If so, what would be unleashed across the world should it happen?[/INDENT] [b][u]~Rules~[/b][/u] [INDENT]1) No god-modding. 2) No power-playing. 3) No meta-gaming. 4) Any other basic rules of the forum. 5) I expect people to be polite, and I will not accept one person calling the other a "dirty whore." fo no apparent reason. 6) Respect the GM's 7) The GM's words are final, we do not want to hear you argue about every single thing[/INDENT] [b][u]~Character Sheet~[/b][/u] [hider=Character Sheet] [b][u]Name[/u][/b]: [i][u]Nickname/Alias[/u][/i]: [i][u]Race:[/i][/u] [i][u]Gender[/u][/i]: [b][u]Age[/u][/b]: [i][u]Age Appearance[/u][/i]: [i][u]Birthplace[/u][/i]: [i][u]Elemental Affinity:[/i][/u] [i][u]Alignment/Affiliation[/i][/u]: (A Guild/Army/Nation ETC, Obviously not required.) [b][u]Rank/Occupation[/u][/b]: ========================================= [b][u]Weapons/Items[/b][/u]: [b]Generic Items:[/b] ==================== [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] ========================================= [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: [b][u]Personality[/u][/b]: [u][b]History[/b][/u]: ========================================= [b][u]Strengths[/u][/b]: [b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b]: ========================================= [b][u]_____________’s Magic/Techniques[/b][/u]: [b]Name of Magic/Technique:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] (Rudimentary, Intermediate, Advanced, Cryptic, Arcana) [b]Range:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] (Magic/Technique) [b]User(s):[/b] [b]Element Affinity (If Applicable):[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Weakness:[/b] ==================== [b]Name of Magic/Technique:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] (Rudimentary, Intermediate, Advanced, Cryptic, Arcana) [b]Range:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] (Magic/Technique) [b]User(s):[/b] [b]Element Affinity (If Applicable):[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Weakness:[/b] [/hider] [b][u]~Racial Info~[/b][/u] [hider=Races][B][U]Human[/U][/B] – Humans, are as one would expect, the most dominant race of Tailteann. All royalty is based around humans, they take whats theirs and trample all non-humans underfoot. This leads to a lot of hatred aimed towards humans from the other races, who when all combined, easily outnumber the humans. Though the sheer numbers of humans, and their dominance over the lands leads the hatred to stay as mere whispers, though any non high-born knows. Humans that live a simple life have to fight for the respect of the other races, and rightly so with the oppressive nature of the highborn humans. [indent][u]Lycan[/u] – Lycanthropy is one of the few, as many would call it, diseases that plague humankind. A curse, yet not a curse. Powers gained in the night, and unrivaled power should the moon be full. Transformation into a wolf like beast. And human by day. Some royalty enlist these as their highest guard, others would have them executed on sight. Despite this, they have massively heightened senses compare to that of normal humans even when the sun shines. And their physical properties are also slightly boosted, though far more evident at night. [u]Vampire[/u] – Vampirism again a curse known by many that afflicts human kind. Curse to never be able to walk in the suns light again many move to Physt to take refuge in the caves as soon as possible. But they have benefits. They are the greatest spies in the world, and many assassins that are legends are said to be vampire. They have regenerative capabilities that are nigh godlike, able to regenerate limbs in just a few days. And should they keep the blood flowing are nigh immortal. Just at the cost of the blood of others. Many have the ability to scatter into bats. And some say they can disappear into any shadow. [/indent] --- [B][U]Elf[/U][/B] - The Elves are a traditionally nomadic people who in former times claimed sole dominion over Tailteann, their presence predating that of the other mortal races. Believing this prominence to be ordained by the gods, they came to develop an esteemed sense of honor and pride. Their characteristically tall, more so than a human, but less than a giant, slim physiques and elongated limbs are part of a successful adaptation to the land’s various environments. Indeed, it is said that their highly sensitive ears can discern the squeak of a field mouse at a distance of up to several miles. They take a neutral stand in most wars. But their long lives, and exceptional minds near five times that of an average human, make them sought after advisers in many of the noble courts. Now though, elves are most often seen in the Goddess' City, taking the roles of priests and priestesses, or perhaps a paladin. And some are seen as traveling monks. Guiding those who sway from the light that the goddess provides. [indent][u]Bloodbraid Elves[/u] – A subculture of elves that has sworn off all allegiance to gods. They live with a motto of returning what they get to whom lashes it out. They are adept with magic, and their severance from gods has increased their magical aptitude. Many being wizards that can rival young spirits in magical combat. And they are able to syphon mana from any source. These elves that train in counter magics are known as spell breakers. And often fight in hand to hand combat. They do have a tradition of wearing revealing clothing however. Claiming that this is the way they best channel, and steal magics around them. Their skin varies from a pale white, to a blood red, other characteristics they share with common elves. [u]Drow Elves[/u] – Drow look almost identical to elves with several major differences. Drow skin color is obsidian, midnight black or dark gray. Their hair has a little more variance than skin color, and can be white, light gray, silver, platinum blonde, and even the rare faint golden blonde. Drow eye color is usually red, though can be white, purple, green and gold. Drow have no body hair, although roughly one in ten male drow is capable of growing facial hair. Drow mature faster than elves and age twice as fast. They have a noticeably more fertile than elves, with a shorter gestation period. And Are often far more deceptive, they don’t care for other races, simply for the glory of the Drow. They are almost inexplicably aligned to the Midnight Court. A 'phantom guild' or cult that seeks to have day never be seen again. Worshiping a spider queen. This make them quite compatible with Vampire, and Lycans, and often share peaceful relations, though they would not hesitate to kill them on sight. [u]Drider[/u] – Driders are drow with the lower body of a spider. Drider torsos are slender and of athletic build, and are about the same size as a human's torso, but much slenderer. Driders have the upper body complexion of a drow, with very little variance. The lower body half of a drider is a spider and can have any color pattern that spiders can. The most common is that of a black widow, the female being satin-black with a red "hourglass" mark on the underside, the male being paler. These driders are often viewed as weak, and disposable. The more Ornate the crest, the more they are seen as strong. Driders have no body hair on their torsos and the normal amount of sensory hair for a spider on the lower "spydric" half of their body. Driders are not usually born, so young driders are incredibly rare. Infant driders are often simply drow who have been forseen as great by the spider queen or tainted by the arachania at an early age. The few drider infants that do exist grow at about the same rate as drow, being fully matured at about sixty years of age. Driders are immortal and do not die of age, but are often murdered to clear the path to power by an ambitious drider or drow. [/indent] --- [B][U]Dwarf[/U][/B] – Dwarves are a race of short stocky strong individuals with a noticable dialect and chipper attitude most of the time. They weigh as much, if not more than a human. And live about twice aslong. Their race produces the worlds greatest armor, weapons and ales. They have roots in Physt, but the demand for their wares had them spread to all corners of the world. Many dwarves are rich, but live humble lives, and many seek adventure. They have a kind heart by nature, and anyone who says they had a rough time with a dwarf, probably tried to take his ale. --- [B][U]Bangaa[/U][/B] – The bangaa are a lizard-like race, widespread across the world, though most tend to be from the harsh deserts and mountains of Physt. They have long faces, scaly skin, and tough limbs. They have two long ears dangling from each side of their heads, leading people to call them "long-ears". Their sense of smell and hearing are exceptionally sharp. They have a tall stature and are physically powerful, but their vocal structure makes it difficult for them to cast incantations, limiting their use of magic. Due to their capacity in brute force, the bangaa are generally considered to be the most physically prominent of all the races second only to giants, equal to ronso. Voices aside, their reptilian appearance make it difficult to distinguish males and females from each other. Their lifespan is roughly 1.5-2 times as long as a humans Calling a bangaa a "lizard" is considered the worst racial slur one could throw at them, for more reasons than that it is demeaning. Another lizard-like race exists in the world, generally referred to as the Lizardmen; these creatures are more primitive and violent than the they have society, but are tribal in nature, considered monsters and pests. Bangaa resent the comparison. However, some people will still refer to Bangaa as lizards when outside of their company. Unlike true reptiles though, Bangaa are capable of growing facial hair. --- [B][U]Wildkin[/U][/B] – Wildkin, though civilized, are humanoid creatures that take on some traits of animals. For example, they most always have a tail, and some differed form of ears. Many humans find them to be exotic catches and as such, they have a high social standing, comparable to that of elves, and dwarves. They are cat-people, and bunny-people, dog-people and more. They share traits with the animal they most resemble and have nearly widest variety of appearances in all the races of the world, beaten out only by spirits. They have live as long as that of a human, and are happy to entertain, they are the race that makes one think faeries might be real. As Faeries most commonly pair with them. --- [B][U]Orc[/U][/B] – Greenskinned brutes, often thought of as dumb and just sacks of meat. They have broad shoulders, and strong bodies, taller than humans but shorter than giants. They make excellent warriors. They serve as the 'hired muscle' of many caravans. And live off of what they slay in battle. Strictly carnivores, and most, cannibalistic should another orc fall in battle and hunger overwhelm. They have no loyalty to anything, and take only whatever the highest bidder offers. Some small orc villages dot the world, where they live a deeply ritualistic and shamanistic life. Those that mingle with the world though, are more often than not sellswords. --- [B][U]Angel[/U][/B] – Thousands of years before recorded history, the Angels were simply another race inhabiting the world of Tailteann. However, they refused to serve and worship the Humans as they slowly took dominion over the world. They then used this opportunity to take to the skies, settling in a number of floating islands that scatter the world. As years passed, the Angels faded from the world below, and they became somewhat of a myth. And thought of as divine beings. They have no right to be called divine, yet when the few that do descend to the surface they embrace the hospitality with open arms. Their lifespan is exceptionally long, even longer than that of elves. Ten times that of humans easily, some would say immortal. But that is simply not the case. The angel resemble humans. except they have large wings on their back that can come in different colors, from white to brown to red to black. The wings allow the angels to fly, most angels, however are cold and aloof. They are either incapable at showing emotions, or do rarely feel them at all. This is due to their self inflicted exile, and countless years without contact of anyone but their own. And as they only really have new Angels to associate with once every three hundred years or so, boredom has overtaken their life. --- [B][U]Demon[/U][/B] – A broad classification for the creatures that live in the uninhabited depth of caves, creatures from the very core of the world. They are malicious and vile, and a majority wish only death upon what they encounter. They have varied appearances, ranging from monstrous, to nearly human. Their common characteristics is their association with orcs, illegal activities, and black magics. They make false promises and deceive with silver tongues. Cursing and hexing, all for personal gain. Its as if they were simply the vile part of humans. And their longevity is completely random, but can reach into the thousands of years. --- [B][U]Giant[/U][/B] – Giants are large ten to twelve foot tall humanoids. They are stocky and strong perfectly suited to their homes in the rugged mountains and caves, though some prefer hills and marshes. Their hands are big enough to crush a humans skull, but they rarely have to resort to hand to hand combat due to their intimidating size. Their skin is a light whitish stone colour. Their features are stony and hard-set in both sexes, with a largish nose. Many giants are seen as unclean, and filthy. And are often confused with the less civlized, and larger ogres that roam the wilds. Giants live for a very long time and are hard to kill. Some particularly old Giants can remember the names of kings five generations past. They breed slowly to match their age but grow fast; a Giant reaches maturity at about fifteen years of age. Giant population is slowly succumbing to extinction as they often live lives of solitude, or lives of militant glory. And being particularly incompatible with all other races. Are slowly disappearing from the face of Tailteann. --- [B][U]Garif[/U][/B] – The Garif are a humanoid, Predominantly male race, who live in tribes scattered all over the neutral territories. Despite their intimidating appearance, the garif are a peace-loving people, albeit physically capable of fighting and hunting thanks to their muscular bodies, furred arms, legs and heads, and incredible hearing and sense of smell. Many garif become herders, overlooking their livestock of creatures known as "Nanna" in the garif tongue. The garif milk these creatures to make the Nanna-cheese, which is famous throughout Tailteann. Some garif become Geomancers and trading-merchants. They still have warriors and even a War-chief to defend themselves should there ever be a need to do so. The garif have no interest in material goods or money, but choose to live in harmony with nature instead. Unlike the other races, the garif see no use in machinery, and, as such, choose not to utilize them. They abhor all manufactured things with the exception of their masks and their material culture is based on the usage of wood and stone. Their houses are made of grass and strips of leather and they adorn themselves with animal bones and stones. The masks worn by the garif are a large part of their customs. All garif receive a mask on the day they are born, which they wear until the day they die. The Great-chiefs of the garif tribes wear masks that look different but it may simply be a standard mask of the garif, who is to become Great-chief, that has been decorated to signify the importance of the Great-chief. --- [B][U]Gria[/U][/B] – The Gria are a small-bodied race with dragon wings, tail, and horns. Though many get their horns removed. The Gria are more proficient in physical attacks rather than magick in combat. Their ability to fly seems to allow them to ignore terrain giving them an advantage in areas with high terrain, and allowing them to easily get behind units, as they can simply fly over them rather than try to walk around them. If they are knocked off a high cliff, the Gria will use their wings to slow the descent. They call home the lands of Russovia. And are Equivalent to Bangaa or Ronso in terms of reverence and allignment. Able to be found anywhere, but alligned mostly with their nations. Though unlike Ronso and Bangaa, their physical capabilities are not great, simply they have the bonus of flight. And they are shorter than humans, but taller than dwarves. And often they do not live much longer than a human. Perhaps ten years if they are lucky. --- [B][U]Ronso[/U][/B] – The Ronso are a race of muscular, anthropomorphic feline humanoids from the lands of Fiddare. The Ronso tribe lives at the base of the seat of the king and defend the throne fiercely. They are formidable warriors, well known for their strong sense of honor and loyalty, as well as their pride and quickness to anger. Ronso are humanoid in stature, standing above two meters in average height (with the males considerably larger and more muscular than the females, who possess a "faster", more athletic body type). They are feline in appearance, possessing hands/claws and foot paws, they walk on (what would be for Humans) the balls of their feet and possess dew-claws as well as foot pads. Possessing lion-like tails that roughly measure half of their body lengths, Ronso bodies are covered in colored fur with patches of white though the color has differed to either a darker blue or yellow depending on the individual fur around the thighs, calves, shoulders, chest (males), tail-tips, and scalp. The abundance of the fur the patches consist of seems to be greater on the males than the females, based on observation. The scalp fur, or mane, is usually tied back or styled in a similar way to hair. In regards to facial appearances Ronso differ in comparison to humans, again they possess feline attributes like muzzles and fangs as well as a distinct cat-like nose. Their ears, while located similar to humans, possess a more elven shape and are thought to be capable of articulation similar to cats. The male Ronso possess a singular horn that grows from the forehead and denotes status and power. The females do not seem to posses this attribute. For the males, the horn is a symbol of their strength and pride, and to lose the horn in battle is considered shameful. Both genders possess carnivore fangs, hinting that they may be meat eaters (it is unknown if they are omnivores). Their eyes are yellow, contrasting starkly against their fur, and constantly give the impression of a predator's gaze. They are considered loyal servants of Fiddare, and are rarely seen outside of an honorable position. And being one of the physically mightiest races in the world, great respect is show to them at all times, even by humans. Their lifespan is greater than that of a Bangaa, but shorter than an Elves, some of the noble ronso have serve, three, potentially four kings. And seen many a bloodbath along that way. --- [B][U]Dryad[/U][/B] – Dryads are humanoid trees, with skin like bark, legs like sturdy trunks, toes like roots, and hair like a crown of leafy branches. Dryads tend to look vaguely female, and tend to choose feminine names for themselves. When taking on the guise of another race, Dryads prefer to take on the appearance of a beautiful maiden, often an elf, or human. In truth, Dryads are androgynous, as a Dryad's flowers contains both male and female reproductive organs. And these flowers are a key to their disguising magics In their resting state, a dryad is a tree of roughly the same size and height as the dryad in its humanoid form. Dryads are a part of the forest. Dryad communities are found in large, old forests, and often have close ties to any neighbouring elf, or human communities, especially to those communities where the druidic faiths hold sway. Long lived, peaceful, and patient, dryads are often reluctant to leave their grove and disinterested in the wars and troubles of other races. However, dryads are not aloof. Dryads form deep and lasting friendships and are fiercely protective. A dryad might go adventuring simply to accompany a close friend. A young dryad might also be seized with wanderlust, never to return to their home grove. --- [B][U]Spirit[/U][/B] – Spirits were created as a result of all kind coming into contact with magic. They can take form at any time, and in any shape. And are most closely related to Faeries. Often though they are the closest to the gods and godesses. They have great reverence show towards them. And have an Immense aptitude for magic. Some spirits strong enough to collapse mountains with just a look. This combined with their unaging bodies, gives them nigh immortal status simply fading into nothingness when they no longer care to see the plight of the world. They mostly serve to bring about the safety of nature. And are often born in the Years of Goddess' Calm. They have but one plight. They wish for the infinite war that they have seen rage to end one day. But without using their potentially unimaginable force, they shan't intervene. Still some spirits allign themselves with the nation they see as most right. And some live in the neutral territories. Compared to other races, they are one in two-hundred thousand. --- [B][U]Faeries[/U][/B] – Fairies, Faeries, Pixies, Nymphs, all of these things are different names for the immortal spirits of the wind that exist in all corners of the world, Fae. These legendary magical creatures have been revered as minor gods in the past, and with good reason, they are said to be the source of all good luck in the world, and wronging them can cause great misfortune to those foolish enough. Ranging from only a few inches in height to a towering foot and a half, these winged sprites are extremely rare, as they only come into existence in very specific circumstances and aren't likely to engage in procreation unless convinced very strongly. Their features vary greatly, but for the most part they have a rather elven look about them, with pointed ears and beautiful, flawless skin. Their eye colour changes abruptly with each change of mood, their skin and hair colours can be literally anything imaginable, and they have a supreme disdain for the clothing most races enjoy (Although they often wear them, because they're fun to make.) Fae are the embodiment of pure innocence, and their curiosity knows no bounds, their entire existence is devoted to the search for enjoyment and new things. They adore adventure and are easily entranced by shiny objects, which, combined with their natural abilities, makes them the ultimate treasure hunters. While they have been known to play pranks on mortals and lead children astray, they can never bear any ill will, and are incapable of telling a lie even under the direst of circumstances. The two banes of any Fairy's existence are Cold Iron, which is like poison to them, and boredom. While it isn't known to any of the mortal races, all Fae are running desperately from something, which is what causes their slightly erratic and unpredictable nature. As Fae begin to lose interest in the world, it begins to lose its colour to them, and as this condition worsens they will eventually fade away and die, scattered back into the wind in the form of glittering dust. That is why Fae are creatures so in love with excitement and fun, they don't let a care in the world hold them back, something that is much to the envy of humans. Most commonly sighted in the neutral territories, some call that land home. But they have been seen in every corner of the world at one time or another. --- [b][u]Narxians[/u][/b] – Their existence being only a rumor until a few decades ago when they migrated in droves to the land after the 'Unseen Invasion' of their territories. Generally smaller than humans and with a 50 year lifespan, the Narxians are a maritime species hailing from the deep seas with origins quite unknown to both them and Tailteann with the history of the foundation of their undersea empire resuming itself as "Old Narxos saw our birth where we lived in the bountiful dept of the sea and worshiped the gods as they appeared as dancing lights in the skies of the surface. But long ago, the cursed king Tentalomid lost the favor of the gods and the surface disappeared from the universe, leaving only a shroud of cold rock. Some could see the lights beyond the rocks but we could not reach it. In terror, the old ones fled to found New Narxos next to the door to the underworld. Striking a deal with these new gods where they would sacrifice their dead to the great chasm in exchange for the warmth and food it provided." Some add 'And then the New Gods forsaken us' to this tale. They now live on the surface and are mainly seen as an annoyance or city critters now, seeming barbaric and unintelligent, furthermore, seen as pagans sometimes doing human sacrifices to whatever gods they worshiped although most of them have converted. In truth the Narxians were a highly cultivated people with technologies and magic fit for use underwater, a written language and arts of unimaginable beauty. Although most of this is now lost to the 'Unseens' that have taken over their realm, they have brought with them their most precious gift: The Songs. Acoustic always was extremely important to them and since they have a poor eyesight, they compensate with being able to use a sonar to navigate both inside and outside water. Their speech sound primitive as most aren't used to air, but some, which land species often refer to as 'Sirens', have mastered the ability to use their songs on land species. Their songs divide themselves between 'Songs of Diplomacy', which are used to convince (Some would say Manipulate) people in accepting their opinions, 'War Songs' to cause confusion or even hurt their foe in violence and 'Songs of Art' that can shape rock and water (The truth is that it really is only water and other elements suffer from its effect, faster erosion shapes rock but it can also rust metal and so forth). It is notable that for them it is as natural as talking and debating, a song of Diplomacy often starting as 'Please Consider The Following' and a countersong being 'I see your point, but'. This is a magical effect, even if they do not notice it. In fact, for them all magic is a form of song, although those about fire and other elements are alien to them. Casting is singing for them and as each word they say is somewhat casting magic, all Narxians know a bit of magic. As said earlier however, they are quite constricted in their element and almost all other types of magic use concepts they do not understand or have words for so using fire magic for example would be exceptional. Otherwise they are somewhat physically weak in comparison to others while on the surface since it's easier to push things under water, they are however quite tough against blunt damage due to the pressure they live in and are somewhat hardened to a degree against cuts. Their main weakness resides in heat as they require to keep hydrated (Especially their eyes which have no eyelid per se) and in smoke (They are like frogs in the fact that they breath per their skin, they asphyxiate very quickly). [/hider] [b][u]~Character Creation Information~[/b][/u] [hider=Click to Reveal] Well start with Races and names. As would be expected that is to be some diversity with names in-between races, while there may be a Jeff Joe-Bob the human peasant, there shouldn't be a Elf with a simple name just as Alex Longears. Get creative, reference what you know about the fantasy universes that have been wrote about for ages. If your a powerful wizard pick a fitting name and title. Live up to it. You can be “Hathran Ghist, the Caller of Storms” Or “Anhur Leos, Hand of the Gods” Just pick a name that you feel fits your character, and doesn't feel out of place within your idea of the race. --- Next we get to alignments which when it comes down to it, simply tells us a bit about how your character will act. While they may be a belligerent cunt at times A Lawful good, would value the good of many and the maintaining of peace in the end. [b][u]Lawful Good[/b][/u] [indent]A Lawful Good character typically acts with compassion, and always with honor and a sense of duty. A Lawful Good nation would consist of a [b][u]~Character Roster~[/b][/u] [hider=Roster]xxx Played by xxx[/hider] [b][u]~World Map and Information~[/b][/u] [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/sCEwNwT.png[/img] [url=http://i.imgur.com/eifZwrU.png]Alternate With Borders[/url][/hider] [b][u]~Fiddare Information and Locations~[/b][/u] [hider=Cities of Fiddare] [indent][b]Map Point:[/b] 10 [b]Location Name:[/b] The Kings Seat, Rocheste [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/hGVVyjvh.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] Though small in comparison to some of the other cities of Fiddare, Rocheste has stood unchanged for a thousand years and contains the royal palace, which is considered the most beautiful structure in all of Tailteann. The city is separated into 2 sections, the People's district and the Royal's district. The city is very much aesthetically designed, making moving around a bit of a hassle. Long ago, It is said to have had a mighty Dragon Guardian that lived in the sky and smited anyone who dared attack Rocheste, because it had fallen in love with the city and it's princess. Whether or not this was true doesn't matter, as the princess and the dragon both disappeared mysteriously. Rumor has it that the princess of that time ran off with the dragon as there was rumor of the beast being used for war as an ultimate weapon. A war which the Princess opposed, however, this will never be known if it was true.[/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 11 [b]Location Name:[/b] Shira Karinada, City of Scholars [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/jDxkT3U.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A city built on and grown by a passion for knowledge. They have a library, that even with is massive size is dwarfed by the library of legends. You know the one, the one built by the Fae. Even so, they strive for more knowledge, they learn to harness magics. They make it where even the most insecure of magus can use epic spells. They are the worlds greatest producer of warseeking wizards. And the worlds greatest producer of scholars. They survive, they flourish. And they seek out even the hard to crack of secrets. Should you wish to learn, make it to this city. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 8 [b]Location Name:[/b] Archovius, The Magitech City [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/Kh5OpXC.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A metropolis known for its invention of the airship. Vessels of trade, and war. This city the paramount on magitech creation. Large and alive, it sprals across the peninsula that cuts off the rest of Fiddare from the world. A wall barring passage to the south. Making naval assault by bypassing the wall the easiest method to attack Fiddare. The wall near three hundred feet high. And towering along the southern horizon. Its where the Fiddarian military academy is, and they are trained in all types of combat, from recon to aerial warfare. To naval warfare from the two coastal edges of the wall. And development of next generation magical weapons is done on a daily basis. The wall is armed, and approach is daunting. Surely an army would take the easier approach. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 7 [b]Location Name:[/b] The Floating City, Solach [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/qtdxgZa.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A metropolis, a stunningly, almost fairy tail like metropolis. It runs on magic, and floats day by day. It never moves, and all who live here have a favorite way of travel. Some walk the magical tether ways. Others get as high as they can and use magic fueled gliders to soar around the city. Unige for its architecture, and the experience. Its easily defensible. As the cities can simple undock and fly higher into the sky. Leaving but the original foundations on the ground. And even so these foundations are not easy task to overcome, line with mortars, and protected by airship patrols. A feat it would be to take over a city such as this, and to not destroy it along the way. [/INDENT][/hider] [hider=Points of Interest in Fiddare] [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] X [b]Location Name:[/b] The Abandoned Reliquary [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/W7mmrbI.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] An ancient construct that now simply comes off as an armor of relics of days now passed. Weapons that kings once wielded and devices that armies used to take hold of the world from the monsters that once roamed these lands. Now though enchantments guard the weapon filled halls, no weapon that lay there may leave, unless the hex that keeps the items in check is broken. And should this happen, perhaps a victory might soon be seen. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] Y [b]Location Name:[/b] The Manalith, Roots of the World [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/HHEWJTe.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A valley, yet not one, more of a hill that has sunk down, creating a chasm with a single tree, and a monolithic tree at that. Mana seeping into the air, and magic being so unstable here, that nothing other than the most Grand of Magus can stay for long. The roots of the tree here spreading all throughout the world. And researchers prowl this site, some attempting to learn, others wishing to weaponize the monolithic power source. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] Z [b]Location Name:[/b] The Sylvisan Lakes [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/0yRfRsY.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A series of lakes in te northern reaches of Fiddare, outside of the Kings seat. A vast stockpile of marine life, an one that is often fished for unique delicacies limited only to Fiddare. These delicacies, and the bustling business that comes from these lakes is one that has kept the area monster free for the most part, “tame” wildlife being all that inhabits the area. And the waters from the are are said to be enriched with magic making the waters themselves a valuable export, as many mages wish to use the waters for potion bases. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] W [b]Location Name:[/b] The Mana Leaks [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/vSFQQM7.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A flatlants with few ruins scattered about. Grass growing and air flowing. Rocky outcrops dot the landscape where the earth has torn open and mana gushes into the air in an almost reverse rain. The mana coming up rising from the heart of the world. And the area being unsafe for the likes of human, similar to the”roots of the world”. However, here monsters feed upon the magic. Growing stronger and more volatile by the day. And as such, armed patrol routinely pass through to protect the cities to the north, though the packs never seem to thin. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] V [b]Location Name:[/b] The Godforged Cliffs [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/pP49E1X.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] The godforged cliffs, are a stretch of cliffs that run along the western coast of Fiddare, the cliffs mountainously high, and overlooking the sea as far as the eye can see. Pirates coves and hangman's gallows are here. And the cliffs have bandits that roam, and travelers lodges of the shadiest variety. An unholy place for a name that leads one to believe it sacred. Many a man lose their lives to bandits, some others to sirens song. Walking off the cliff to their demise. And even then, others too to monsters that prowl the cliffs. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] U [b]Location Name:[/b] The Wreckyards of Failed Contraptions [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/SsBlPGH.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A land that was once an open plain. Now though mountainous piles ofrubble, failed contraption and general scrap litter the fields. The semi-intelligent monsters taking home, and forging somewhat of a colony of various type all throughout. Goblin, and other beasts making their home, and slowly arming themselves. A land full of monsters warring over territory, and monsters that realize that slowly they are receiving weapons. A danger zone, and yet, a 'natural' protection for the heart of Fiddare. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] N [b]Location Name:[/b] The Fyelanth Steppe [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/LsOtrlU.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] An uneven land that is nearly all stone. The wind gusts through the area at random, and the paths through are not the easiest. Many adventurer have underestimated the steppe and the beasts that run around, flying monsters, and four legged man eaters. The ground isn't stable, and even a fight that make look to be in your advantage can be turned in a moment as nature works against you. Or the rest of the pack shows up, be wary when you pass through, else you may not make it through. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] M [b]Location Name:[/b] The Ardent Waterways [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/mmDST2M.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A open land, rivers and geysers dotting the expanse. Stone 'statues' across the field, they appear human, but are the size of giants. Some call them the 'Wayfaring Golems' as they can be seen, in very rare cases in other parts of the world, they do not speak, and they do not move when one can see them. However, many believe that it is because of these ancient constructs that the Ardent Waterways remain monster free. [/INDENT][/hider] --- [b][u]~Russovia Information and Locations~[/b][/u] [hider=Cities of Russovia] [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 6 [b]Location Name:[/b] The Imperial City Typhon [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/QVhToXh.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] The Imperial City Typhon was established in ancient times, growing to the nigh impenetrable mountaintop metropolis it is today. The city having a renowned appearance and scenery. Remarked for its simple elegance an beauty. The city making note of the beast that live in the area, Wyvern that patrol the skies and mountains. Some call them baby dragons. Others know them to be feral beasts that have the power of ten men. But the people of Typhon know them as war beasts that only one in one hundred men can tame. And the Imperial city trains them as their war-beasts, to combat the powers of the other nations. And have done so for hundreds of years. But even then, the beasts themselves cause havoc, the wild and untamed ones at least. This city alone, and the country resenting the magics of the world around them, and focusing more on nature, the strength of man, and using the natural world to their advantage.[/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 5 [b]Location Name:[/b] Cosain Rathu, the Vanguard Castle [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/Q37HVJh.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A city like much like Typhon, though at the forefront of where land based invasions meet. Russovite warriors call this home, and they are perhaps the most well fed of all warriors in the world. Their vast natural advantages and strategic prowess giving them an upper hand in defending their piece of the world. Home to all manner of humanoid, some say it is the most racially diverse city in the world. It also has a high population, being the largest city in the world. Even so, safety in not the greatest hing here, until you reach the core of the city. The outskirts often bombarded with enemy attacks. Though despite this. Russovia has an ace up their sleeve, the Wyvern Knights, their elite flying task force. The elite who single handedly defend these walls. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 12 [b]Location Name:[/b] Port Samhain [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/H11N3kD.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] One of the largest naval ports in the world, rivaling that of Awarest. All kinds, and all kinds of trade converge here. Notoriously expensive and dangerous after dark. Yet one of the highest visited cities in the world. A city that appears to never sleep. And if you need something, you can find it here. The largest black market is here. As well as the base for the Guild known as “Cipher” A information's guild that will sell valued information for the right price. Its ears are so far spread that even hears what happens at the right hand of royalty. Aside from this, the food here is known to be exceptional, should you like seafood and vegetables. Though year round its usually fair, there are three longs months of winter that hinder the town for its duration. Going from a city that never sleeps, to seemingly a city that never wakes. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 14 [b]Location Name:[/b] Scaip Luchair, The city in the Trees [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/o5yFlea.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A city that stands strong in a forest that has stood since before the times of man. Many live in harmony with the Dryads that live on the forest floors. And they share the land that was given to them. The city produces master herbalists. The city one of peace, yet alligned with Russovia. They supply the armies of Russovia at threat of destruction Yet the city would not be taken without completely wiping out an ancient forest filled with magics off the face of the world. As such the city continues to sprawl, in the canopy and all around. Everything is spread out, yet its turly a treat to explore. [/INDENT][/hider] [hider=Points of Interest In Russovia] [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] B [b]Location Name:[/b] The Untouched Lands [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/Oo3g9Rl.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] D [b]Location Name:[/b] Hearthstone Bogs [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/UNCiX6h.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] F [b]Location Name:[/b] The Ancients Grove [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/CmGQzuo.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] A* [b]Location Name:[/b] The Mistral Coast [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/A1OjXff.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A beach that has a natural mana well, the mana well creating a unique stone that hovers no matter what magics are applied. And these stones are highly coveted by the Fiddarian scientists. The scientists often employing privateers to plunder the coasts, bringing stones large and small back to the “enemy territory”. And as such, the coast has been recently militarized, patrolled by small platoons and waiting for the next privateers fleet. And the encampments sometimes, a simple ragtag group of rejects, tasked with guarding a coast that only one group seems to truly care for. Even so, there are Short stretches of land that have been occupied by a group of business people, making a luxury getaway, guarded by a unique elite force. A private army if you will. And so as one would gather, this coast is highly envied by the country that doesn't own it. Yet they have little option but to take it by force at the moment. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] B* [b]Location Name:[/b] The Fractured Dragon's Spring [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/xyrcvvf.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] Q [b]Location Name:[/b] Wyvern's Pass Highlands [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/l5bxN11.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A land of rough terrain, fierce beasts, and brutal storms. Though, at the same time, beautiful. Just outside the Imperial city Typhon, this place lies. A Training ground for strong warriors, and the only place where Wyvern's can now run free. Some of the men in the army use it as a place for right of passage, to take the scale of a Wyvern, then your a real man. A Joke to some, but they are the ones who never try it, climbing the unsteady rock to a Wyvern's nest, then taking a scale from a beast with the strength of ten men. All while a single step from a plummet to death. The Pass through to the city is constantly riddled with threats from the Wild Wyverns that roam the area, and as such, many of the mountains have had small safe holds carved into them for travelers to hide. Some more safe than others. But none the less, there is some given shelter, should one piss off a Wyvern of the Wyvern's pass.[/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] F* [b]Location Name:[/b] The Maat Solidarity [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/jS3SD2a.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b]A Small town, no more than ten square miles that is just over a days hike outside the Imperial City. A town where magic is safe in the Russovian territories. And a place of scholarly studies that thrives in their harsh environment. This is the safest place for the non-conformists of Russovia. The ones who don't wish to adandon the lands they once called home and seek refuge in the neutral territories. The one place they can stay and still feel at home.[/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] D* [b]Location Name:[/b] The Stolisath Valley [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/MVbMa9j.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A valley with razor edged jagged slops that shoot straight into the sky. As if they would pierce the very hheavens that lay just out of reach in the skies above. The velly itself littered with lake pond river and stream. A dreadful, yet beautiful wetland. Few dare ventur through it, yet the ones who know the easiest paths can make this their greatest trait. A natural defense for Port Samhain, and yet, a hinderance to their business furtheri nland in the Imperial City. This as often treded as it is, makes it a dangerous place even with the most skilled of swordarms, and the greatest guides. For behind every rock a man ready to take your life could hide. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] E* [b]Location Name:[/b] The Runecarved Deadlands [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/k72yzIE.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A stony rugged landscape. Massive pillars of chiseled stone, aglow with runes shining off the sides of the pillars. The lands covered with a thick fog, and the sky perpetually bleak. The smell of rot and decay fill the air, and many get lost here only to die. The rot lives, animated by god knows what. Undead and living decay walk and stalk the lands. Though, one knowing the runes, simple enough to learn, can use them as waypoints to pass through relatively unharmed. The runes changing with each passing minute, guiding the travelers around the expanse with precision on how to avoid the armies of undead. Though, seemingly always, the strongest monsters can avoid detection, yet, and yet no one is ever lead through the core of the expanse. What mysteries might lay in wait of the curious mind? [/INDENT][/hider] --- [b][u]~Physt Information and Locations~[/b][/u] [hider=Cities of Physt] [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 9 [b]Location Name:[/b] The Empire's Crown Dakuur [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/9TnpUav.jpg]Above ground,[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/WK41hNU.jpg]Below ground[/url] [b]Information:[/b] Dakuur has been the seat of the Phystian empire for as long as history has recorded, the royal families fortress in the center of the city, above a pit said to have no bottom. Though, the bit is not bottomless, rather, the Royal palace has branches out into the countless caves that connect to the pit. The city itself is a metropolis larger than any other, surrounded by deserts and mountains. It thrives off the weapon smithing from the mines that cover the mountains surrounding it. As does most of Physt. A complicated Relationship Physt has with the rest of the world, controlling the sought after mines, they would not dare trade with anyone but neutrals, but still, in the end their blades end up against them, the question is, do they profit more in the end? Should one look into the pit during night, amidst the darkness one can see the faint orange glow of torches and perhaps, magma at the pits core. And down in the depth of the earth lie a city at the core of the earth, with nothing there but strange runes, tomes, and other items. Off limits to all but the royal family, as the belief that this will one day lead to the harm of the peoples of Physt. The thought of an abandoned city at the core of the earth, what creatures could have lived there once in the worlds infinite past?[/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 2 [b]Location Name:[/b] Layanar, Forked Mountains Pass [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/YYpdiZP.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A city that took hold at the Base of a mountainous ridge. On the edge of plains and arid desert peaks. There are two passes, each treacherous and leading to adventure. Or at least that's the word that spreads through the world. The city, for near one hundred years wasn't recognized by any officials until the Phystian Royalty proclaimed it there own just ten years ago. As the city cam together by travelers who turned their back on adventure, and businessmen who saw a chance to extort all they could from those seeking adventure made it home. As such it takes the look of slums all throughout, the city build out of converted caravans and whatever they can get their hands on. An ever growing circus of a town. Piece by piece the mountains pass grows. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 15 [b]Location Name:[/b] Tiaquin, City of a Thousand Lights [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/39KyPhE.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A city that has taken over a cave system along the coast. Its not a port as one would expect, though some trade leaves here. Its not a center for trade at all. More of a party center, there are lights of all colors scattered about. The city aglow with every color imaginable. Its known for its festivals and parties. Fireworks and drugs. Sure there is trade here. But for what its known for, not for what Physt as a whole is known for. Some say Physt has now lost all control, that their influence is simply the militant protection they offer. And once you've seen the city, most would agree. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 3 [b]Location Name:[/b] Fort Daquarth [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/zPS83N8.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b]A fortress among the arid rocky wastes. It has a heavily military pressure, and is where all of Physt's army is trained. Teaching them full well how the wars can be, low supplies, and poverty are rampant here. Though some few nobles live well. Trade caravans pass through every day, and they serve as one of the few safe passages in and out. At night, the nocturnal beasts of the surrounding wastes claw at the walls. And that's when the rookies get their best training. Else they live on dried oats and stale bread. [/INDENT][/hider] [hider=Points of Interest in Physt] [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] C* [b]Location Name:[/b] Godright Isle [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/bevpNHX.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] J [b]Location Name:[/b] The Cataclysmic Divide [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/U9l7suw.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] K [b]Location Name:[/b] Stoneskin Territory [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/bPqdBDR.png]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] S [b]Location Name:[/b] Sieged Wastes [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/pV8iGde.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A Land now only known as the Sieged wastes, a battlefield that is desolate, almost nothing covers it now. There are stone, and iron structures that no one can find the meaning of scattered about. And they seem to move with the shifting of the sands over the barren terrain. Few monsters still live on these lands, but the ones that do, are devastatingly powerful. Rumor has it, a dragon has take up the Lands as its den. And Slowly, trade has become even slower as merchants avoid the passage through the wastes. As one passes through, they can find many weapons, corpses and more along the wastes, but arriving is the easy part. Getting out alive is the challenge. No Landmarks other than countless pillars. And an ever changing sand-sea that one cannot map. Passage through this wasted battlefield is one that shan’t be taken lightly.[/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] O [b]Location Name:[/b] The Animate Peaks [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/UcTKqJ8.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A stretch in the mountain range in Phystian territory that has a large concentration of magic, some say spirits walk here under the sun. And other say demons tread at night. The mountains shift, and malice is spread about. Though these mountains contain metals that any smith would dream about in vast quantities. There are four hours of safety each day. The two hours before noon, and the two after. And the next day, your path may have completely changed. These peaks have some of the bravest individuals in the world calling them home. And all that is to be found here is, monsters, fierce and weak, and one of the richest sources of money, money, money. Rightfully so would only the best and boldest raze the peaks that wish to kill them. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] P [b]Location Name:[/b] The Eldritch Crag [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/5QXWb4b.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT][/hider] --- [b][u]~Neutral Information and Locations~[/b][/u] [hider=Cities in the Neutral Territories] [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 1 [b]Location Name:[/b] The Goddess' City Gestalt [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/ciWu8jh.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] The City Gestalt, established six-hundred years prior to the story, And the location and starting place of the first year of the Goddess' Calm. Founded by a woman known now only as the messenger of the Goddess, she pleaded with the nations for a time of peace, if only once a century. And they obliged, ending their war for but one year of peace. This city being founded where the treaty was signed, and an order of priests and priestesses taking up this ground as a holy place. They founding the group known as The Gestalt Remnant, ones who pray to a Goddess no one truly knows if exists. But they rule this “holy city” a place that would never be attacked by any nation that wishes to keep the faith of the peoples. The Gestalt Remnant, Priests, Priestesses, and now a small order of knights, they call themselves “divine”. Some of the peoples don’t believe it, but the one thing the people know, is that they thank their long dead leader for the one year of peace they get a century.[/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 16 [b]Location Name:[/b] Fae'ilis, the great library of the seven winds [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/GcYGhF5.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] Forged by the otherwise nomadic Fae, and the only place they have ever called a home. This astoundingly huge library is build on a chunk of mountain that now floats on the winds, towering over the land from its place in the clouds. Its existence is a legend, many don't even believe it exists, and these people will likely never see it in their lives. Unlike the mountain from which it was forged, this great bastion of knowledge and fairy tales travels through the sky unrestrained by its earthly coils, lingering on the outskirts of mortal life, rarely seen with more than a glimpse by the city-goers of Tailteann. Only those most vigilant or fortunate adventurers will ever get a chance to truly behold its wonder, and at a first glance, it may seem menacing, but the moment one approaches it the true nature of the Fae's only land will be revealed. A beautiful land of forested mountaintops, the nature integrated perfectly with the many buildings and towers that make up their library. Just by viewing its splendor, one is invited to enter the Fae's place, and if they whistle, the Fae themselves will often descend using a balloon especially made for their guests. They love guests very much, but not so many at a time, as it becomes hard for everybody to enjoy the guests at once. If you're fortunate enough to join in on the Fae's party and be given access to their many priceless books, you would find yourself completely surrounded by the creatures that are so rare on the surface, following you at every step, trying to play with you, to talk to you, to offer you food and fun around every corner.[/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 4 [b]Location Name:[/b] The Town of Waters, Awarest [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/djq3vbH.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] Awarest a rather large, but politically neutral town that has existed for near two centuries. Even though the town is large though, it doesn't see much change inside, just goods going out. Mostly fish and hunted animals. The town near both a lake and the sea. And nature, and wildlife set all around in the town. Some hunters literally going to their back yard to hunt. Most notably here is a large fish market, and several traders, and caravans leaving almost daily to travel to other cities with the goods of the fisherman. There are a few mercenaries guilds scattered about the town, generally they just take jobs protecting caravans, sometimes doing odd jobs. And here, mages are more of a thing of play, than a thing of war, the Mages that pass through coaxed into showings of their mystic might as a show, the people not really thinking magic could really be anything more than a simple nuisance in the long run.[/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 13 [b]Location Name:[/b] Rosa Turlough [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/GVSNsBS.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A city known for its flowers and beauty, its farmlands and quaint safety. Guarded by a militia no more than farm boys that would believe themselves knights. Then there be a few of the Gestalt Remnant that are at arms. A city none the less, but nothing to marvelous. Its out of the way to most, and ordinary. Worth a visit if its along your path, but not worth coming unless you have a serious reason. As such, many old people live here, and many who wish a simple life. [/indent][/hider] [hider=Points of interest in the Neutral Territories] [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] T [b]Location Name:[/b] Eldras Station [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/T4eNdZw.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] While the picture does not show the station, one can see the monstrous Train that travels all the lands of the world. A railway guarded by the Gestalt Remnant, and the monolithically large train that travels the rails, Returning too Eldras Station once every two weeks. The train itself large enough to be considered a city all its own. Its the Safest form of transport. Having a Stop at, or withing half a days walk of all major cities. However its 'sacred' nature prevents it from being used for trade, leaving trade caravans still an immensely needed recourse. It stops at every major city, but to board one must go through a strict screening, and nothing other than what one can carry may enter along side him. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] I [b]Location Name:[/b] Whiterun Coast [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/gh7Eon1.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] G [b]Location Name:[/b] The Vsleyva Marsh [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/ttYtUJh.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] L [b]Location Name:[/b] The Whetstone [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/wc2pkAX.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] A [b]Location Name:[/b] The Gestalt Hills [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/COcDbA7.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] C [b]Location Name:[/b] The Garif Homelands [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/s5SW1LS.png]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A massive expanse of open pastures and farms. The lands tended to by Garif herders, and protected by Garif Geomancers. The plains containing stones known as Lumite, in massive pillars absorbing the light of the sun, and glowing right during the night, making the plains be aglow in all time of day. Garif villages, dot the homelands. And overall, this is the heartland of garif civilization. Sure there are a few monsters, but nothing that a traveler that has made it as far as this could not handle. [/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] E [b]Location Name:[/b] The Acid Lakes [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/oA2521Q.png]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT] --- [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] H [b]Location Name:[/b] The Ylveyas Overgrowth [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/gCjSl0D.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b][/INDENT][/hider] --- [b][u]~Oceanic Locations~[/b][/u] [hider=Cities of The Seas] [INDENT][b]Map Point:[/b] 17 [b]Location Name:[/b] New Narxos [b]Picture(s):[/b][url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/233/6/1/Atlantis_by_aksu.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Information:[/b] A Certain Captain Chambers had written a work about how he dived in a water pocket under a metal bell into this city, 'The Great city of Narxos'. It was quickly dismissed as a work of fiction but it is indeed the city in question. Right next to a deep chasm of impenetrable darkness where heat came from and where the Narxians sent down their dead. Today the city which used to be lighted by magic and phosphorescent plants is dark and tainted with a black toxic fog coming from the chasm that had poisoned the population of the city. It is, along with most of the realm of the Kingdom of Narxos, taken over by the 'Unseen'. They got their name from the fact that Narxians had a very poor eyesight and these were extremely fast. What lurks inside the city is most certainly ugly and dangerous, what lurks in the Chasm, that fed of the Narxian deads for hundreds of years, is probably uglier still. .[/INDENT][/hider] [b][u]~Notes~[/b][/u] [indent]Please note that the city/world information is still under construction, and well, yeah. I'll be wanting everyone to make an "adventurer/commoner" but, everyone will also later, (when the plot kicks in) get a chance to play an important/high ranked character. I see the RP as having a lot of combat, and infinite creativity is welcome. As for Races, pretty much anything will be available, just apply for them and tell me what they do if they aren't standard fantasy, EX: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Lycan, Vampire, and such. It is encouraged to be an odd, or even self created race, Variety is cool. Also, If you wish to help with locations that's welcome too. (Feel Free to make a "subarea" of a preexisting area, but pm me beforehand.) And listen to me and my appointed Co-GM's,. Anyway, yeah, I'll be continuing in making progress molding this world as the thread develops, though your help is needed to make it a world we can all enjoy! So now, Off to adventure everyone! [/INDENT]