[quote=Unknown100] Well I edited the strength too, just as a sign of good will :pAm I accepted?And people, what do you think of my character? It has been a little while since I last RP'ed :) [/quote] Aye, feel free to drop your CS in the OOC. [quote=Garrison] Well, I'm a Lycan which has a sub-race of Human, so I need to know what kind of names are fitting in this universe as well as clothing and such, the other two characters above are Angel and Dwarf which naturally have crazy names and clothing and stuff like that. I just want to fit in properly ya know. [/quote] Clothing would be clothing ranging in the medieval-victorian eras depending on your occupation and social standing. Armor, steel or leather. Robes/rags would be common among the lower classes. Middle class would be just about anything really. a good pair of pants, a solid shirt, vests what have you. Suits and ties among higher classes. Just as long as you don't think it would be too far out of place it should work. As for names For the most part just think names that have gone out of style or more European sounding names. An extravagant or strong sounding last name will work wonders. If you have read or watched game of thrones, those would also be good reference for names. Though we don't really need any Joffrey Baratheons, you have to admit that name does have some power behind it.