What's your name?: Zariev Avros How old are you?: 23 Where do you come from? Boy or girl?: Male. He was born on the Echani home world of Eshan What do you look like?: Zariev is 6'2 and has the silver eyes and white hair that are commonly seen among the Echani. His hair goes down to his shoulder. Instead of wearing the customary brown robes of the Jedi Order he wears a robe that has been customized for him to allow him to have the best possible freedom of movement during battle and during training. History: Zariev was born on the Echani home world of Eshan to an Echani battle-master and an Echani senator and was found to be force sensitive at an early age. He was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and after a few years of training and learning the Jedi Code he was assigned to a Jedi Master. Unfortunately for Zariev, after years of training with and learning from his Master, she was killed during a skirmish with Morgukai warriors on a backwater world in the outer rim territories. Despite being a very formidable opponent with his double-bladed lightsaber and his force abilities, Zariev was barely able to survive the encounter and after stopping the Morgukai he limped back to his Master's star ship and was forced to send out a distress call after taking off from the planet. A republic vessel was able to pick up the distress call and was able to return him to Coruscant where he spent nearly four days in a bacta tank. Shortly after the incident, Zariev was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight for managing to stop the Morgukai. His first act as a Knight was to attend the funeral of his Master. During the Funeral, he was unable to keep his calm and burst into tears at the sight of his master's body burning on the pyre knowing that he would never be able to speak to her or ask her for advice again. He was given a few assignments that kept him in the Jedi Temple while he struggled to bring his emotions back under control and finally succeeded after a few weeks. The Jedi Council have finally decided to allow him to leave the temple and join a mission to find a missing Jedi Master. Anything extra that you want to tell us?: Zariev wields a violet double bladed lightsaber and is a very skilled combatant due to teaching himself Echani combat techniques and his Jedi combat training.