[quote=Garrison] I was wondering if i could get some feedback on my character so far. I do have another question now that I think about it, can Lycans transform at will or only during full moon. I read that their power in greatly increased during full moons or night time but does that only apply to their werewolf form or is there strength and/or senses increased even while human. I also assumed the transformation was that of the humanoid nature, not the actual wolf kind. Sorry if I'm being buggy about all this, just rather knock this stuff out now instead of after I've already invested a lot of time into its creation. [/quote] Sorry for my brief disappearance. But their transformations could occur at all times of the day. Just gaining significant power at night. During the day depending on their mastery of their transformations the TIME they could remain transformed would be the limiting factors. Even when in plain human form though they would have heightened senses and reflexes. They would give off a more wild aura and the like. I'll look over your CS in just a minute. But i'm trying still to finish my own and add some much needed informations to the OOC. EDIT: To Garrison, Your CS looks fine so far, I approve of the transformation appearance too. Names good, and I like that you went and even though to have him "branded".