Elevators were BORING! MindWarp thought astutely as she stood in one during its ascent back up to the surface, hiding a yawn behind her left hand while her right hand held onto the handle of a metallic briefcase. This particular elevator, unlike the nice ones found in fancy hotels or successful business buildings, was completely metal. In fact, the exact same metal was used for the walls, doors, ceiling and even the floor. It was the worst elevator ever to exist, it didn’t even have music! It was for this reason that she practically dove out of the contraption once the doors began to open and into a dusty and mould ridden brick room. Behind her, the doors closed with a barely distinguishable ‘hiss’ and the elevator faded into the brick wall, betraying no sign of there ever having being one. Exiting the room MindWarp entered into a decrepit interior which could only belong to a shack of the slums. Her usual exit point when she was sent out on assignments, it was close to the main city yet far enough away so as not to draw any unwanted attention. The streets of the slums were precarious at best and as a precaution MindWarp illusioned herself an oversized well-worn cloak with a deep hood to shadow her face. Now just outside of the city, the cloak illusion faded away to reveal a females business suit which allowed MindWarp to walk along in a crowd of other business men and women on their way to work. However she soon broke off from the crowd and slipped into a nearby alleyway which was used as a shortcut to get to her destination. Along the way she passed a few bums smoking, she ignored their leering, but found it increasingly difficult to ignore their jibed flirts. Disgusting, was the word that crossed her mind as they slowly followed after her. Returning to the footpath of a main street, her destination came into view. A small café, with a street cleaner busy at work nearby. Not feeling quite so bold due to the increased amount of people, the bums backed off their following of MindWarp and stood close to where the street cleaner was and dumped their cigar butts onto the ground much to the chagrin of the street cleaner. Appearing oblivious to the resulting exchange, MindWarp took her usual seat and waved to the cashier who gave a greeting and began entering her usual order into the cash register. While outside the situation seemed to escalate, a blow to the street cleaner’s torso just about had her ready to go over and return the favour, but she needn’t have to, as a spunky young lady from across the street dished it out vocally. MindWarp couldn’t help but grin at the bum’s humiliation, which in turn helped in her decision to further humiliate them. If not just for the fact that she had caught the way they and a few surrounding people looked at him after his outburst. Whist seemingly distracted by the arrival of her Latte macchiato, she created the illusion of big hairy spiders crawling up the legs of the two bum’s. Their reaction to the spiders was instantaneous as they shouted in shock, trying to rid themselves of the arachnids which could not be seen by the people around them and now they were getting the same crazed assuming looks that the street cleaner had received. After a good quiet laugh to herself, MindWarp returned to her assignment. Currently, it involved waiting for the recipient of the brief case. It held important a device, created by villainous mega minds to be used for villainous deeds. She would know the correct recipient by a coded sentence upon their meeting.