Few questions and comments. 1. The Precipice Medical Bay is not just state of the art, it's probably supernatural in some way. No disease can't be cured. Unless it's already killed the patient. I'm guessing that to facilitate that, Raven's mother was probably almost a zombie when she was brought on board. The crew is [i]heavily[/i] trained in dealing against zombies (they encounter a zombie world every now and then), so they would deal with the zombie with complete efficiency. 2. What's Raven's role on the ship? Is she going to be part of the crew? (She can probably be one of the Chiefs if given the right expertises. Or a Senior 'insert department here' Officer. 3. Oh come on, Precipice has friends! Quite a few! 4. Other than that, it should be okay. I'll add a description of life aboard the Precipice sometime soon. And some important dimensions / planets.