Beck had gotten the info a few months back from a certain caped crusader, but never really gave it much thought since he played alone, but he knew what it meant. That being said he never really expected them to call seeing as they are the big leagues and they normally handled, well, the big stuff. Crooks, gangs, thugs, and generally all types of Dregs were more his game, not super villains that planned on taking out the entire universe. To be perfectly honest he didn’t want to get that call at all since he knew that if it came he’d answer it and would go do the right thing. “God, why is doing the right thing so hard to do?” He asked no one in particular as he eyed the station from an alley. He was still new to the whole hero thing, well the more traditional, costume and costume hero thing, but he’d been surrounded by shady types for most of his life growing up in a bad area so he knew some trade secrets and things that he should do. Sure he found the methods in by learning about them from the bad guys, but it was still valuable information. The two sides were basically the same in his opinion, one side was just more favorable to the public crowd. If anything they were two sides of the same coin. This whole scenario was a great example of that. Meeting inside an old building to discuss something dangerous though was something that mostly bad guys tended to do, but nonetheless he entered the subway station. Metropolis wasn’t his playground, but he’d heard something was going on from his intel. It was the rough kind given that it came from some scumbag’s mouth. That being said info that came from lazy gang member’s lounging around in their rat holes was good information. He had a rough idea of what was happening, but didn’t bother with the details since he was too busy encasing them in ice. The old station was far from pristine, no duh, but he could tell it was a good-looking place back in the day. He didn’t know much about it given that History classes focused more on modern events and trivial pop culture stuff rather than actual History. The only place where anyone could really learn about history was in the great libraries, emphasis on the difference between great libraries and libraries since the latter was just a place for wannabe writers to hang out and drink overpriced coffee, apparently in any age coffee was overpriced. Speaking of coffee Beck reminded himself to get a new bag since he was running low at home. After a little bit of walking in the near darkness he finally found himself in the JL’s underground base. Inside he found a couple of people with various types of facial features and expressions, and one guy without a face. It could have been called surreal or it could have been called just weird, but In Beck’s opinion it was just annoying. He knew that after entering this place things would get more annoying and more complicated than ever. At this point, he seriously regretted ever answering that call. The thing he hated the most was that he figured this would happen eventually the moment he felt pride in taking down his first bad guy.