Ji'sien, listened in amazement, hearing that she had slain trolls, vampires and even werewolves! She had ventured all over Tamriel, likely to more places he could count, starting even younger then he had. Conjuration and Destruction sure was powerful magic he thought until finally he heard the others speak. He had put his two cents in the conversation, he had started it to his knowledge, but then he was asked a question by the woman he was speaking with. [b]Well, you see. I've lived in a shack all my life. I took care of my parents, having to from time to time steal from taverns in nearby towns. I never struck in the same place twice, as to not ruin their business, but I had to go all over, to inns, taverns, shops and all sorts of places. Of course, we lived in a shack, far from any guards or townsfolk so if we were attacked it was more or less 'Over'. Sadly a dragon seemed to be passing, and managed to spot my dad while he was chopping logs. He, in an attempt to lure it away, was killed. It came back and killed my mom, and I had to hide in a cellar as my home was destroyed. All I had was, what I have now." [/b] He said with a sigh. [b]"And as soon as I got away I signed up for this, I have nothing to lose, I mean, I still want to live life and what not, but I have nothing to lose now. I find that my time is better spent fighting a fight the Dragonborn couldn't finish, rather then steal from people my whole life." [/b] he finished, having said a mouthful. It wasn't much really, his parents died, now he fought dragons, that happened to often to count, but the people would just become criminals. He looked over, seeing that the groups Healer had brought a ton of food and potions, and a weapon too! They had to have saved up for this moment, as it was quite a lot of stuff and likely a lot to carry he thought.