[i]"Jeeaaan!"[/i] Mileficent grumbled upon being awakened by a little girl's voice. She had been sleeping in the trunk of a rusted and bashed car, the only thing she could find that could suitably hide her and give her a little security. The only thing she had with her was her switchblade and handgun. She knew that the handgun wouldn't last long, but it was good for intimidation when facing bandits. Mileficent's eyes slowly pried open and she yawned. [i]'Who the hell is-'[/i] "Jeeaaan!" Mileficent's thoughts stopped and her eyes bugged out the instant she heard the girl's voice again. Eventhough she was a criminal she still had a small soft spot for kids, not to mention the fact that noise attracted both wanted and [i]unwanted[/i] attention. Mileficent put her boot up against the top of the trunk and pushed it open. [i][b]CrRrRrEeEeEeAaAaAaKk[/b][/i] She winced at the loud noise it made as she pushed it further. Mileficent then crawled out and stretched, trying to get the kinks out of her legs, being tall and sleeping in a trunk wasn't really the best combination. She glanced around and looked up at the kid standing ontop of a tire on a pile of scrap. "Hey kid!" Mileficent shouted and waved her arm trying to get her attention. "What the hell are you doing up there?!"