“Sukoh. Gentle bear, this slumber is not eternal. Your time to rest has not come. Gentle Sukoh waken.” The bear's body twitched and squirmed for a moment before his eyes opened to see the skeletal figure, donned in robes. It took a great deal of effort to heave his great weight back onto his feet from his sleeping position, but Sukoh felt amazing after that sleep. His big head shook back and forth to properly wake him from his slumber, and then he looked at the figure once more. It was walking away from him but beckoning him to follow. “Come Sukoh, come and sit with me a while, tell me the tale of your life great bear.” With no reason not to, Sukoh obliged, slowly trotting after her with his body leaning either way each step. The path was strange to him, not like the earthen paths that he usually walked. No it was both material and immaterial at the same time, much like the dream realm itself. Before him was the great throne with the woman who awoke him sitting upon its seat. Sukoh stepped forward into what seemed to be her domain and he leaned forward over the top of the staircase, almost touching her with his nose. His lips barely moved as he spoke in his animal tongue. "Who are you?"