As a rehash of what everybody's been saying, keep it calm. No need for a flame war. I'm sure you've been busy TheNewGirl, however even a small heads-up saying, "Hey! I am still in!" would be helpful, so as to not lose your position. Your previous OOC post made things very unclear. nrtashi, I understand your frustration. The RP's been going at a slow pace, and it's leaving many of us on edge, especially with the not-so-positive comments made about ERode's character. However there's been many times that I've been so busy as to not even be able to check a thread for a week, and although I can't say for sure, I'm sure you've felt like you've been in a similar situation. Life catches up to us at the worst of times, and sometimes a little forgiveness can go a long way. tl;dr Wars make everyone uncomfortable, friendship all the way EDIT: Lol on the Schadenfreude