Amira was awoken by the sound of the announcement. She rubbed her eyes and yawned as she got up from the floor, she had never really had a bed but she didn't mind it at all. She took a quick glance at the tasks that she would be required to do today. 'Nothing out of the ordinary' she thought the herself as she looked in a mirror, her multicolored hair was all over the place and she had forgotten to wash her face paint off the night before, leaving it smudged all over her face. As much as the paint was a part of her culture, it sure was a pain to work with. She picked up a brush and began putting her hair into a presentable way, she knew by the end of the day it would be covered in soot and messy again but she didn't care, she liked the way it looked when brushed. She washed the remnants of the face paint from yesterday before quickly applying it back on cleanly. She'd done it so many times that it was second nature to her now. She smiled at herself before walking out of the room she was living in, she decided to head down to the engine room first, it was a place that she'd always liked being in. She walking with a spring in her step, giddy to start the day.