As the title suggests, I have some ideas floating around my head, some are plots and others just ideas yet to develop into a plot. Hopefully someone will help me develop these ideas into some really fun RPs. Only a few stipulations such as that I won't be able to post very often since its hectic at my job right now, the least I can do is a post per week, the most about four a week and that romances don't go further than a fad to black scene :gray. but after around May I should be okay to post more regularly. With that out of the way, here's some ideas I have. [hider=Idea List] [u][b]InFAMOUS: Insurgency[/b][/u] Idea I had from replaying the InFAMOUS games in preparation for Second Son. Simple plot in that it follows two friends who have developed their conduit powers post New Marais. They are some of the first to come back after the destruction of The beast. They are travelling from town to town, city to city. However. I have not much after this only a few ideas of how it will plan out, but it's more drama and more the characters dealing with their powers and learning to control them. Willing to develop more from this idea. [u][b] The Wanderer: Order of The Hunters[/b][/u] An Immortal Demon Hunter ends up in London 1866. He works for an organization closely related to the church that deal with the more supernatural and demonic kinds of threats to humanity. During a job however, he is found out. He decides to take this person in and teach them the ways of hunting supernatural entities and other creatures of darkness. [b][u]Shangri La[/u][/b] Think Deus Ex and Ghost in The Shell. Shangri La is a large, technologically advanced city built from the ground up after a major catastrophe. Illegal Enhancements, Nanotech, Cybernetic and neural are some of the major crimes committed by the major crime families of the city. They often hire powerful enhanced agents called "Broker Agents", some are former law enforcers and others are criminals themselves. To battle the crime within Shangri La, helping with Law Enforcement are "Collectors" their most common job is to confiscate illegal enhancements and return them to their headquarters "The Prophet's Tower", one of the larger buildings in this city. I have a few ideas in my head for a plot, and would love to expand on it more. [/hider] So these are my current ideas, hope you find some of them worth checking out. PM me or reply to the thread if you are, and hopefully we can start brainstorming ideas!. Also, I'm most definitely willing to try any of your ideas, fantasy, sci-fi, just let me know and I'll be willing to work on them.