[i]"Kill them..."[/i] "Stop it..." Zed muttered as a new voice broke his thoughts. It seemed that the little show attracted some new people... The bums seemed scared out of their wits.. a just reward perhaps. Zed was surprised that people actually cared for people like him which was quite rare nowadays with the growth of technology. "Uhh yes... Thank you so much for your aid." Zed bowed in respect as he spoke awkwardly in a rather light tone. His eyes searched for other people who might have been responsible for the payback. It was more than a month that Zed has experienced human contact that was nice in nature... so this really came off as a wonder. [i]"You don't need aid... You are strong on your own. RELEASE US!"[/i] Zed grunted as his arms pulsated with pain... He struggled to suppress the beast that had been awakened with the rise of new emotions. The lad leaned on his waste bin as he held up a hand to the girl. "Please... I do prefer for you to keep your distance... It's not safe." Zed muttered as he winced. [i]"RELEASE US!"[/i] "NO!" Zed shouted as he knocked over the waste bin, spilling his collected trash into the street. [i]"Let it go."[/i] With a grunt Zed knocked over his broom with his hand, slicing it in half. His eyes darted to the people around him who were looking at him with such judging eyes. They must be thinking that he is stupid or crazy. The metallic waste bin itself was punctured with over 5 holes. [i]"You have no friends... Everyone is an enemy! SHOW THEM THE PAIN YOU HAVE FELT!"[/i] The bandages on his arms and face began to tear apart as the troubled cleaner dashed through the crowd, dodging one after the other. His body began to feel hot, it was starting... the Evolution. Zed found an alley where he dashed into, toppling behind bins and debris. Zed slumped on an iron fence, the bandages began to fall apart. His will had become too weak by the sudden experience of nice emotions... The beast took advantage of his momentary mental slip and sabotaged his control. [i]"You are mine."[/i] "STAY AWAY!" Zed shouted as his sanity returned... He was nearly exhausted. He checked his arms... they had slightly evolved into spikes, ready to turn into a blade. The feedback won't be too severe since it was only a partial mutation... "I need to get away from people..." Zed mumbled to himself as he tightened his bandages and exited the alley... "I don't want to kill anyone... Not again."