Moon moved with the group of riders and she stayed close to Luna. She was excited, but held a calm demeanor. Her eyes gazed over dragons as they walked by. They would feel drawn to the dragon they were meant for. Upon contact the pair would feel agony as a bond formed with a mark on each of them. Her eyes were drawn to a dragon chained heavily. The bars glowed red with heat. Her eyes narrowed as she moved towards the cage. It saddened her to see sub creatures chained as they were. She had heard of him . He had escaped and killed some in doing so. She put a hand up to the bars. She spoke words of powerful magic that cooled the bars so she could touch them. Drake was chained to the wall but not as heavily as Shade. He had aided Shade in his escapes because he wanted to leave as well. He felt eyes upon him which caused him to look up. His cold calculating eyes narrowed up the girl. He had been here for a year and watched many dragons being matched while none came to him. He was happy that way, no one to look after. Though with a rider he would leave these damned cages. Icicles hung around his cage and the bars would freeze that part of the body.