Alice walked out from the city towards her 'zone'. About halfway to her destination chess popped into existence grinning as usual. "What do you want you cat?" Alice snapped at him. [i]"temper temper! you'll never get anywhere like that."[/i] "well when it concerns you there's nowhere to be going anyhow." she retorted. [i]"touche. so what are your plans now then?"[/i] "Go back and look for my artifact as usual. Perhaps have tea with Haddigan..." Chess rolled through the air as they talked, throwing jibes back and forth in between questions and riddles. At one point she noticed that Chess was wearing a small locket. "You know, i never would have thought you were one for jewelry, even less so a locket. Whats inside?" [i]"Ive not a clue. it dost open and Ive no intention on trying anyhow. Not mine to open."[/i] "whos is it then?" [i]"Not a clue."[/i] was all he said before vanishing into thin air, a residual smile fading away. "well then... Guess ill just have to figure out myself then..." Alice muttered as she reached the giant gate that was the entrance to the wonderful horror. Lifting her blade she simply tapped on the gate and it swung open freely, shutting behind her with a loud clang. Looking around for a moment she thought about the locket, but pushed it aside. She hadn't looked in a few areas yet and that was her first goal. Shed worry about the locket latter.