[b]T[/b]he year is 2248 and winter is falling upon London. It has been 73 years since the bombs dropped all over the world. It was the result of international political conflict that escalated to the point where nuclear war was inevitable. Some even resorted to biological warfare, releasing weapons so deadly the surface-world became uninhabitable. The survivors escaped to the underground, the subways and the deep places of the world. To make matters worse, the surface creatures were mutated, and also escaped underground. There, they mutated to the point of increased size by ten times, and severe mental breakdown. The mutants hunt down everything they can, slaughtering in their path. Fighting them is not an option, all you can do is hope your legs can run fast enough. Ammo is so scarce you would barely have half a magazine in your lifetime, and food is even more scarce. Many survivors took to murder and theft in order to survive, others resorted to more extreme methods such as cannibalism. Eating human flesh for an extended period of time, the communities openly embracing the act soon shut off themselves from the world. It seems the meat is affecting their minds, perhaps corrupting them or even... Mutating them. This is your reality. You struggle to survive in the massive London Underground, with what little food and weapons you've collected. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Race/Ethnicity:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Images are fine, no kawaii-desune pls) [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]Traits, skills and quirks:[/b] [b]Bad habits and weaknesses:[/b] [Hider=Concept Pic][img=http://s.cghub.com/files/Image/453001-454000/453801/206_max.jpg][/hider] --- Essential characters coming soon.